preparing to municate across cultures 1 developing intercultu ral skills a desc ribing corporate cultu res b developing fleble thinking to deal with diffe rent inte rcultural situations 2 managing fi rst meetings a strategies for managing fi rst meetings b buil relationshi 3 municating effectively a municating clearly-good and bad news b managing conversation styles 4 managing international meetings a decision making b dealing with diffe rent and difficult styles of munication 5 being a better listener a clarifying meaning b listening effectively 6 presenting across cultu res a customising your message for diffe rent audiences b managing questions effectively 7 writing es a municating clearly in es b municating sensitive messages effectively 8 negotiating ac ross cultures a setting clear objectives for a negotiation b influencing strategies for negotiations 9 managing conflict a understan and avoi conflict b dealing with conflict 10 working in an international team a introducing yourself to your team b giving and respon to team feedback 11 managing diversity and c reativity a getting the besl out of an international team b problem-solving techniques 12 profiling you r intercultu ral petence self-profiling of inte rcultural petence and development of a pe rsona action nlan huaio scrlpts key and mentary munication tasks further rea acknowledaements