基本信息:书号:9789629961244书名:野草 WILD GRASS(中英对照)作者:LU, Xun译者:杨宪益 YANG XIANYI、戴乃迭 GLADYS YANG出版社:香港中文大学出版社出版时间:2010/8/1规格:- / 172页 / 14 X 21CM / - / -内容简介:A towering figure in the literary history of twentieth-century China, Lu Xun has exerted immense and continuous influence through his short stories, which remain today as powerful as they were first written. Echoes of these stories can still be heard in the fictional works from both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the eighties and nineties. Equally influential is Lu Xun''s collection of lyrical pose Wild Grass, now generally regarded as the first volume of prose poetry in twentieth-century China.Like many Chinese intellectuals searching for a solution to China''s problem, Lu Xun went to Japan where he studied medicine, later abandoning this pursuit for a career in writing, which he considered to be a far more effective weapon to save China. A prolific author of pungent and "dagger-like" essays, Lu Xun was also a tireless translator of Western critical and literary works. His works have been translated into more than twenty lanugages.鲁迅(1881–1936),本名周树人,浙江绍兴人,二十世纪中国文学巨人。早岁留日习医,后弃医从文。1918年的《狂人日记》为新文学运动第一篇白话小说;其后以「匕首」般杂文介入生活、干预现实,小说创作因而中辍,但两部小说集《吶喊》、《彷徨》影响深远,在二十世纪末海峡两岸文坛,依旧回响不断。小说之外,鲁迅的抒情散文《野草》也是新文学发展道路一大里程碑,不少论者更视之为新文学史上第一本「散文诗」。作者简介:鲁迅(1881–1936),本名周树人,浙江绍兴人,二十世纪中国文学巨人。早岁留日习医,后弃医从文。1918年的《狂人日记》为新文学运动第一篇白话小说;其后以「匕首」般杂文介入生活、干预现实,小说创作因而中辍,但两部小说集《吶喊》、《彷徨》影响深远,在二十世纪末海峡两岸文坛,依旧回响不断。小说之外,鲁迅的抒情散文《野草》也是新文学发展道路一大里程碑,不少论者更视之为新文学史上第一本「散文诗」。杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇为当代中国译坛大家,名著名译,至为难得。此中英对照本尚有卜立德教授新序,以为导读。目录:无