内容简介: "“一带一路”倡议提出至今已有5年,尽管提出的时间很短,却在世界上引起了巨大的反响,不仅过去从未有过的新名词不断涌现,大到人类命运共同体、中国特色大国外交等等,小到“五通”、亚洲基础设施投资银行等等操作层面的话语,同时经过中国与沿线国家的共同努力,“一带一路”也正在改变未来的世界发展与治理走向。为方便大众快速了解“一带一路”倡议的来龙去脉,中国社会科学院国家全球战略智库编辑整理了这个简明读本。" 目录: Chaper One The Contribution of China’s Reform and Opening up to the World and the Birth of the BRI 1.China’s Historic Contribution to the World through Reform and Opening up10 2.Construction of an open economy and the BRI12 3.China’s economic transformation and the BRI14 4.Innovation-driven development and the BRI16 5.Responsibilities of a Major Country and the BRI18 6.Major-country Confidence and the BRI20 7.Development Deficit and the BRI22 8.Peace Deficit and the BRI24 9.Governance Deficit and the BRI26 Chaper Two History of the Silk Road 10.Where Did the Name Come from30 11.A Brief History of the Silk Road32 12.The Overland Silk Road34 13.The Maritime Silk Road36 14.The Silk Road and the Exchanges ...