快速城市化过程中面临的资源压力、环境破坏和生态退化使得城市发展面临严峻挑战。因此,如何提高资源利用效率和减少环境排放是探索城市环境生态系统可持续发展的关键问题。传统方法缺乏考量资源的品质差异,难以系统量化不同资源对城市系统的贡献及其潜在环境影响。《Urban Metabolism and Ecological Management: vision, tools, practices and beyond》提出“城市代谢”理论和方法学,并运用到多尺度案例中,提出可行的途径解决城市产业生态关联核算、结构优化和政策效果模拟等问题,取得了若干具有理论创新和应用价值的研究成果,包括:1)提出并较深入地研究了新的城市代谢理论与城市代谢“流量-结构-效率-环境影响”四位一体分析方法。2)揭示了城市生态资源间的网络关联结构并开展行业政策的系统动力学演化模拟研究。研究生态流在系统中的单向/双向反馈过程以及促进/抑制机制,对不同行业发展政策产生的效果进行精细和定制化的中长期模拟。3)开发了城市能-水-食物等资源要素配置方法并应用于部门规划管理和政策优化研究。实现多种生态资源配置的全局优化,为复杂城市系统生态管理规划与资源优化配置提供了重要支撑。《Urban Metabolism and Ecological Management: vision, tools, practices and beyond》汇集了研究者近十多年的研究成果,城市内部结构不完善、布局不合理,内部分工协作不够、污染物协同处置效率不高等问题的出现需要从科学的角度提出推进城市健康发展的技术路径和科学方案,从解决城市与区域之间关系、促进城市整体协调发展等方面出发,为城市与区域的可持续发展提供管理依据。
Contents Chapter 0 Urban metabolism for the urban century1 0.1 Motivation3 0.2 The research questions5 0.3 Aim of the book 8 Part A: Vision and Theory Chapter 1 City: A socio-ecological view of human communities 11 1.1 Introduction13 1.2 Urban sustainable development debate14 1.3 Urban metabolism and principle of entropy increase15 Chapter 2 Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of urban sustainability 19 2.1 Introduction21 2.2 Method22 2.3 Urban TEK and environmental sustainability25 2.4 Urban TEK and economic sustainability 29 2.5 Urban TEK and social sustainability 30 2.6 Discussion33 2.7 Conclusion 38 Chapter 3 Urban metabolism theory and analysis methods 41 3.1 Introduction43 3.2 Origin and development of metabolic theory43 3.3 Metabolic studies at different scales 49 3.4 Main methods of metabolism research 53 3.5 Implication of metabolism study on different scale60 Chapter 4 Environmental accounting and urban metabolism65 4.1 Introduction67 4.2 Present knowledge for urban environmental accounting and management 69 4.3 Present challenges for urban environmental accounting and management73 4.4 Discussion74 Chapter 5 Ecosystem services accounting framework and urban metabolism 77 5.1 Introduction79 5.2 Literature review81 5.3 The framework for non-monetary ESV accounting84 5.4 Discussion93 5.5 Conclusion 99 Chapter 6 A physical view of urban metabolism dynamics 101 6.1 Introduction103 6.2 Allometric laws and cities103 6.3 Global energy constrains111 6.4 Conclusions125 Chapter 7 Urban metabolism and urban ecological culture 127 7.1 Introduction129 7.2 Analogy between cell and ecological culture129 7.3 Cellular structure and function130 7.4 Concept model of reconstruction of UEC131 7.5 Conclusion 136 Chapter 8 Circular economy and urban ecological management 137 8.1 Introduction139 8.2 The evolution of circular economy practices in China and Europe147 8.3 Concluding remarks159 Part B: Tools and Approaches Chapter 9 Urban metabolic process analysis165 9.1 Introduction167 9.2 Methodology168 9.3 Ecological economic account of Beijing urban ecosystem173 9.4 Discussion187 9.5 Conclusion 191 Chapter 10 Urban metabolic flux and structure analysis193 10.1 Introduction195 10.2 Methodology and data use 197 10.3 Results199 10.4 Conclusion and discussion212 Chapter 11 Urban metabolic network structure analysis215 11.1 Introduction217 11.2 Methodology218 11.3 Extended exergy analysis226 11.4 Ecological network analysis results 233 11.5 Discussion237 11.6 Conclusion 239 Chapter 12 Environmental impact analysis in urban metabolic system241 12.1 Introduction243 12.2 Characteristics of the environment and economy in Beijing 245 12.3 Methodology245 12.4 Results and discussion 254 12.5 Conclusion 263 Chapter 13 Urban metabolic dynamic analysis265 13.1 Introduction267 13.2 State of the art 268 13.3 Material and methods269 13.4 Model calibration and parameter selection 276 13.5 Results280 13.6 Discussion and conclusion285 Chapter 14 Urban metabolism health evaluation and spatial development pattern analysis289 14.1 Introduction291 14.2 Materials and methods 292 14.3 Results298 14.4 Discussion302 14.5 Conclusion 304 Chapter 15 Urban agglomeration metabolism sustainability analysis307 15.1 Introduction309 15.2 Methods 313 15.3 Results324 15.4 Discussion333 15.5 Conclusion 336 Chapter 16 Thermodynamic geography of urban metabolic process 339 16.1 Introduction341 16.2 Material and methods345 16.3 Results and discussion 356 16.4 Conclusion 366 Chapter 17 Urban food-energy-water nexus analysis to support urban circular economy strategy369 17.1 Introduction371 17.2 Literature review373 17.3 Method376 17.4 Results386 17.5 Discussion391 17.6 Conclusion 402 Part C:Case studies Chapter 18 Urban municipal solid waste metabolism and management407 18.1 Introduction409 18.2 Methodology411 18.3 Results417 18.4 Discussion424 18.5 Conclusion 427 Chapter 19 Hospital solid waste metabolism and management 429 19.1 Introduction431 19.2 Field test and data collection441 19.3 Results460 19.4 Discussion464 19.5 Conclusion and recommendations 468 Chapter 20 Metabolism efficiency analysis of urban transportation system471 20.1 Introduction473 20.2 Literature review474 20.3 Methods 476 20.4 Case study 479 20.5 Results483 20.6 Discussion495 20.7 Conclusion 496 Chapter 21 Metabolic efficiency analysis of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)499 21.1 Introduction501 21.2 Methodology and analysis 519 21.3 Results and discussion 537 21.4 Conclusion 558 Chapter 22 Urban wastewater metabolism and sewage sludge management 563 22.1 Introduction565 22.2 Curr