菲利普·马辛杰Massinger,Philip(1583~1640)英国剧作家。1583年11月24日生于英格兰索尔斯堡曾在牛津大学求学,约1616年后来到伦敦谋生。他结识了西里尔·特纳、托马斯·德克、约翰·弗莱彻等剧作家,并和他们合作编剧。1625年接替弗莱彻为英国查理一世国王供奉剧团写剧。马辛杰是17世纪早期英国剧作家中编剧技巧最佳者之一。他著名的剧作是讽刺喜剧《偿还旧债的新方法》(1633),主角是贪财的坏人,名叫诡计·太机灵爵士。这是一个工于心计的、贪婪的人物形象,以当时英国一个声名狼藉的高额租金勒索者吉勒斯·莫佩森爵士为原型。这部剧作是托马斯·米德尔顿的喜剧《捉住老家伙的妙计》(1606)的仿作,但结构更为紧凑,情节和人物更有独创性,也更生动。马辛杰的讽刺喜剧具有严肃的劝善、惩恶的目的,这和道德观念淡薄的复辟时期喜剧大不相同。此外,马辛杰还写了悲剧《米兰公爵》(1623)和《罗马演员》(1629),传奇剧《宫女》(1621年上演,1632年出版)。浪漫喜剧即爱情喜剧《佛罗伦萨的大公》(1627年上演,1636年出版),与纳撒尼尔·菲尔德合写的悲喜剧《致命的嫁妆》(1632),与托马斯·德克合写的悲喜剧《殉难的处女》(1622)等。其中以反映家庭生活的现实主义喜剧为最佳,以《偿还旧债的新方法》和《城市太太》(1658)为代表。在这类喜剧中,马辛杰预示了复辟时期风尚喜剧的发展方向。马辛杰是一位严厉的道德家,他常在戏中运用“幽默”角色来讽刺、鞭挞社会上寻欢作乐和贪得无厌的人们,不以娱乐观众为主要目标。马辛杰还可能与莎士比亚和约翰·弗莱彻合作,写了《亨利八世》(1613)和《两个高贵的亲戚》(1634)[1] 。Philip Massinger (1583 – 17 March 1640) was an English dramatist. His finely plotted plays, including A New Way to Pay Old Debts, The City Madam and The Roman Actor, are noted for their satire and realism, and their political and social themes It seems doubtful whether Massinger was ever a popular playwright, for the best qualities of his plays would appeal rather to politicians and moralists than to the ordinary playgoer. He contributed, however, at least one great and popular character to the English stage. Sir Giles Overreach, in A New Way to Pay Old Debts, is a sort of commercial Richard III, a compound of the lion and the fox, and the part provides many opportunities for a great actor. He made another considerable contribution to the comedy of manners in The City Madam. In Massinger's own judgment The Roman Actor was "the most perfect birth of his Minerva." It is a study of the tyrant Domitian, and of the results of despotic rule on the despot himself and his court. Other favourable examples of his grave and restrained art are The Duke of Milan, The Bondman and The Great Duke of Florence.
For an examination of WIlliam Shakespeare's influence on Massinger, see T.S. Eliot's essy on Massinger. It includes the famous line, "Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal...."** T.S. Eliot, "Philip Massinger" (1920), available abridged in 'Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot' at 153 (Frank Kermode, ed.) Harcourt Brace 1975. ISBN 0-15-680654-1.Philip Massinger (1583 – 17 March 1640) was an English dramatist. His finely plotted plays, including A New Way to Pay Old Debts, The City Madam and The Roman Actor, are noted for their satire and realism, and their political and social themes It seems doubtful whether Massinger was ever a popular playwright, for the best qualities of his plays would appeal rather to politicians and moralists than to the ordinary playgoer. He contributed, however, at least one great and popular character to the English stage. Sir Giles Overreach, in A New Way to Pay Old Debts, is a sort of commercial Richard III, a compound of the lion and the fox, and the part provides many opportunities for a great actor. He made another considerable contribution to the comedy of manners in The City Madam. In Massinger's own judgment The Roman Actor was "the most perfect birth of his Minerva." It is a study of the tyrant Domitian, and of the results of despotic rule on the despot himself and his court. Other favourable examples of his grave and restrained art are The Duke of Milan, The Bondman and The Great Duke of Florence.
For an examination of WIlliam Shakespeare's influence on Massinger, see T.S. Eliot's essy on Massinger. It includes the famous line, "Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal...."** T.S. Eliot, "Philip Massinger" (1920), available abridged in 'Selected Prose of T.S. Eliot' at 153 (Frank Kermode, ed.) Harcourt Brace 1975. ISBN 0-15-680654-1.