作者及著作简介 The Poems of Ernest Dowson –--------- Illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley, with Portrait by William Rothenstein, ------------- John Lane 1Ed. 在我国大诗人戴望舒的诗集中有大量戴望舒翻译的欧内斯特·道森的诗歌,非常凄美绮丽,气息氤氲。 欧内斯特·道森(Ernest Dowson 1867-1900),英国唯美主义诗人。他的叔祖曾担任过新西兰总理。1886年入牛津大学,两年后因家庭破产而辍学。他聚集在以佩特为首的唯美主义刊物《黄皮杂志》和《萨伏依》的周围,积极参加颓废派作家集团“诗人俱乐部”的活动,崇拜爱伦·坡、波德莱尔、魏尔伦和斯温伯恩。他热恋过一家饭店老板的女儿,后因失恋遭受很大打击。从此悲观失望、生活放浪,因酗酒以致贫病交加而去世,死时年仅33岁。 --全世界女人都知道的《飘》。 这本书原名叫《明天是个新日子》,临出版时作者米切尔把书名改成《飘》,也就是“随风而逝”——这是英国诗人道森的长诗《辛拉娜》中的一句。 附: 道森的长诗《辛拉娜》及译文 我已不是善良的辛娜拉管束下的那个样子 ---- 厄内斯特·道森
昨晚,啊,昨夜,在她的唇齿和我的 之间落下了你的阴影,辛娜拉,你的呼吸 淌在我的灵魂,在吻和烈酒之间; 我凄凉的心,痛心于一段往日的激情, 是的,我一片凄凉,头不由的落下: 辛娜拉,我对你是忠实的,以我的方式。 整夜我聆听,她温暖的心跳动上我的心, 整夜在我的臂膀,她在爱与睡梦中依偎; 真的,她红唇出卖的香吻,予我以甜美; 但我凄凉的心,痛心于一段往日的激情, 当我醒来,发现黎明蒙上了灰: 辛娜拉,我对你是忠实的,以我的方式。 我忘记了许多,辛娜拉!随风而逝, 与欢闹的人群抛撒玫瑰、玫瑰, 舞起来,把你这苍白、失落的百合抛之脑外; 但我凄凉的心,痛心于一段往日的激情, 是的,所有的时间里,为了舞蹈的绵绵: 辛娜拉,我对你是忠实的,以我的方式。 我呼喊,为了更疯狂的音乐,更强烈的酒精, 然而当盛宴收场,灯光湮灭,落下了 你的阴影,辛娜拉,这成了你的夜; 而我凄凉的心,痛心于一段往日的激情, 是的,渴望我欲望的双唇: 辛娜拉,我对你是忠实的,以我的方式。 注:标题同样是贺拉斯的诗句。诗中的名句“随风而逝”(即飘)后来被玛格丽特•米切尔用做了她著名小说的书名。 Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae Ernest Dowson Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine There fell thy shadow, Cynara! thy breath was shed Upon my soul between the kisses and the wine; And I was desolate and sick of an old passion, Yea, I was desolate and bowed my head: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion. All night upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat, Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay; Surely the kisses of her bought red mouth were sweet; But I was desolate and sick of an old passion, When I awoke and found the dawn was gray: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion. I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind, Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng, Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind; But I was desolate and sick of an old passion, Yea, all the time, because the dance was long; I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion. I cried for madder music and for stronger wine, But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire, Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! the night is thine; And I am desolate and sick of an old passion, Yea, hungry for the lips of my desire: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.