作者简介 史蒂文生(Robert Louis Stevenson,1850-1894),英国作家。史蒂文生出生于爱丁堡,祖父和父亲都是知名的建筑工程师,作家早年也进入爱丁堡大学攻读土木工程,不久改学法律。史蒂文生在大学读书期间即开始写作,其成名作则是出版于1883年的《金银岛》。此后又出版了《诱拐》、《化身博士》、《魔瓶》等一批具有强烈的异国情调和传奇色彩的作品,深受青少年读者的喜爱。 史蒂文生是19世纪末期著名的新浪漫主义的代表人物,他的文笔细腻流畅,故事惊险生动,从而有力地激发读者的想象力,进入美妙奇幻的冒险世界。史蒂文生又以同情的笔调描写底层的贫民、流浪儿、孤儿和土著居民,表现他们善良、高尚、勇敢的个性,因而给世纪末的欧洲文坛吹来一股清新、健朗的文风
目录 CONTENTSStrange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 002 Story of the Door 007 Search for Mr. Hyde 014 Dr. Jekyll was Quite at Ease 016 The Carew Murder Case 020 Incident of the Letter 024 Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon 028 Incident at the Window 029 The Last Night 040 Dr. Lanyon’s Narrative 046 Hastie Lanyon Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case Kidnapped 064 Preface to the Biographical Edition 067 Dedication 068 Chapter I I Set off upon My Journey to the House of Shaws 072 Chapter II I Come to My Journey’s End 076 Chapter III I Make Acquaintance of My Uncle 083 Chapter IV I Run a Great Danger in the House of Shaws 089 Chapter V I Go to the Queen’s Ferry 095 Chapter VI What Befell at the Queen’s Ferry 100 Chapter VII I Go to Sea in the Brig “Covenant” of Dysart 106 Chapter VIII The Round-House 110 Chapter IX The Man with the Belt of Gold 118 Chapter X The Siege of the Round-House ……