第一部分 基础实验 Laboratory 1 Generate and Plot Basic Digital Signals with MATLAB 1.1 Overview and goal 1.2 Pre-knowledge 1.2.1 Basic knowledge about MATLAB 1.2.2 Unit impulse sequence 1.2.3 Unit step sequence 1.2.4 Exponential sequences 1.2.5 Sinusoidal sequences 1.3 Using the MATLAB command 1.4 Experiments 1.4.1 Unit impulse sequence and unit step sequence 1.4.2 Exponential sequences 1.4.3 Sinusoidal sequence 1.4.4 Questions Laboratory 2 Time Domain Representations of LTI Discretetime System 2.1 Overview and goal 2.2.1 Unit impulse and unit step responses to a LTI digital system 2.2.2 The response y(n) of LTI discrete-time system to an arbitrary input x(n) 2.2.3 The finite impulse response and the infinite impulse response systems 2.3 Using the MATLAB command 2.4 Experiments 2.4.1 Calculating the impulse response to a linear time-invariant discrete time system 2.4.2 Convolution 2.4.3 The interpretation of the concept of filtering 2.4.4 Questions Laboratory 3 Transform Domain Representations of Digital Signals 3.1 Overview and goal 3.2 Pre-knowledge 3.2.1 Definition of discrete time Fourier transform 3.2.2 Definition of discrete Fourier transform 3.3 Using the MATLAB command 3.4 Experiments 3.4.1 Calculating the discrete time Fourier transform 3.4.2 Calculating the discrete Fourier transform 3.4.3 Questions Laboratory 4 Transform Domain Representations of LTI Discrete Time System 4.1 Overwew and goal 4.2 Pre-knowledge 4.2.1 Z transform 4.2.2 The input and output relationship of a digital system in different domains 4.2.3 Transfer function and system function 4.2.4 Zeros and poles of a digital system 4.3 Using the MATLAB command 4.4 Experiments 4.4.1 Frequency response of a digital system Laboratory 5 Implementation of Digital Filters 5.1 Overview and goal 5.2 Pre-knowledge 5.2.1 Basis of digital filters 5.2.2 IIR filter design 5.2.3 FIR filter design 5.3 Using the MATLAB command 5.3.1 MATLAB commands for estimating order to a filter 5.3.2 MATLAB commands for design an IIR filter 5.3.3 MATLAB commands for produce a length-L window 5.3.4 MATLAB commands for design a FIR filter 5.4 Experiments 5.4.1 Design butterworth IIR filters 5.4.2 Design FIR filter based on Blackman window 5.4.3 Questions Laboratory 6 Filtering Digital Signals 6.1 Overview and goal 6.2 Pre-knowledge 6.2.1 MATLAB implement of discrete time linear time invariance systems 6.2.2 Properties of discrete-time linear time-invariance systems 6.2.3 Data preparation for laboratory 6.3 Experiments 6.3.1 Pre-experiment study 6.3.2 The design of cascade systems 6.3.3 Study the first-difference system 6.3.4 Study five-point moving averager 6.3.5 Study cascade system 1 6.3.6 Study cascade system 2 6.3.7 Comparisons of the two cascade systems 6.3.8 Filtering the audio signal with h1 6.3.9 Filtering the audio signal with h2 6.3.1 0 Listen to and discuss effect of filtering the audio signal