目录 Contents 七十年前旧上海 犹太报纸登些啥 . 001 What Appeared on the Jewish Newspapers in Shanghai 70 Years Ago 旧闻三篇录世实 犹太难民显精神 . 015 Three Old Pieces of News Recorded the Truth, and Jewish Refugees Showed Their Spirit 生存艰难志不移 “重回祖国”藏心底 . 036 Survived the Hard Times Telling Stories of Back-to-Motherland Dreams 失国民族黄连苦 沪上媒体齐声援 . 051 Shanghai Media Jointly Supported the Nation Suffering from the Pain of Defeat 纪念品留下战争回忆 火柴盒记载日军野心 . 062 The Souvenirs Keep the War Memories while the Matchboxes Record the Ambitions of the Japanese Invaders 犹太孩子忆童年 香烟壳子难忘怀 . 068
Contents 七十年前旧上海 犹太报纸登些啥 . 001 What Appeared on the Jewish Newspapers in Shanghai 70 Years Ago 旧闻三篇录世实 犹太难民显精神 . 015 Three Old Pieces of News Recorded the Truth, and Jewish Refugees Showed Their Spirit 生存艰难志不移 “重回祖国”藏心底 . 036 Survived the Hard Times Telling Stories of Back-to-Motherland Dreams 失国民族黄连苦 沪上媒体齐声援 . 051 Shanghai Media Jointly Supported the Nation Suffering from the Pain of Defeat 纪念品留下战争回忆 火柴盒记载日军野心 . 062 The Souvenirs Keep the War Memories while the Matchboxes Record the Ambitions of the Japanese Invaders 犹太孩子忆童年 香烟壳子难忘怀 . 068 The Unforgettable Cigarette Pack in the Childhood of Jewish Children 隔都的文具 你可还记得 . 076 Do You Still Remember the Stationery in the Ghetto 聚居区群星闪耀 音乐会抚平伤痕 . 084 Star-studded Concert Soothed the Broken Hearts 护照承载逃亡岁月 七十年后失而复得 . 095 Passport Recording the Exile Days Regained after 70 Years “信使”关注新论 “时代”传播要闻 . 104 The Messenger Focused on New Theories and the Times Communicated Important News 犹太青年戴斯君 环球骑车战火中 . 112 The Jewish Youth Deiss Cycled Globally in the War 捐建犹童学校 惜因战事关闭 . 116 Established by Donation, the Jewish School Pitifully Closed in War 犹太国队虽输球 无国有队喜欲狂 . 120 Lost in the Match, Jews Celebrated Joyously for Having a National Team before Establishing the State 寻找童年小伙伴 重洋难隔儿时情 . 124 Search for Childhood Companions―Old Memories Could never be Severed by a Distance of Oceans Apart 犹太商人落难 变卖家当求存 . 133 Caught up in Calamity, Jewish Businessman Sold out All Properties for Survival 我家三件传家宝 陪伴全家过难关 . 137 My family’s three heirlooms accompanied the whole family through hard times 禁谈逃亡经历 努力找活谋生 . 141 Never Talk about Escaping, Try to Make a Living 三条大街留难民 五百行业谋生计 . 145 Make a Living in 500 Trades and Seek Shelter on Three Streets 木偶戏抒发乡愁 经典剧好评如潮 . 149 Classics of Nostalgia-rich Puppet Plays Obtained Raves 刻骨铭心小街景 握手鞠躬芭蕉扇 . 153 Unforgettable Street Scenes: Handshakes, Bows and Palm-Leaf Fans 犹太难民在上海 《申报》记录全过程 . 158 Stories of the Jewish Refugees in Shanghai Completely Recorded by Shun Pao 走过磨合期融入上海 欲组犹太军共斗纳粹 . 168 Assimilate into Shanghai through the Run-in Period with an Attempt to Organize an Jewish Army against Nazism 逃出集中营 又进隔离区 . 178 Escape from the Concentration Camp But to be Forced into the Ghetto 春节平静刚过 隔都囚禁难民 . 185 A Peaceful Spring Festival Followed by Refugee Imprisonment in the Ghetto 捐赠合屋漫画 永记日寇蛮横 . 191 Never Forget the Outrageousness of Japanese Invaders 战后难民寻方向 媒体说美谈欧洲 . 203 Media Discussion about the US and Europe Provided Guidance for Refugees after War