1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Research 1.1.1 The Origin of the Research 1.1.2 The Pilot Study 1.1.3 The Rationale of the Research 1.1.4 The Objective of the Research 1.2 The Theoretical Framework of the Research 1.3 The Terminology of the Research 1.4 Overall Structure of the Research2 Education in China 2.1 The History and Tradition of Education in China 2.1.1 The Foundation of Education 2.1.2 The Underlying Principles of Education 2.1.3 The Influence of Confucian Education in Other Asian Countries 2.2 Present Education in China 2.2.1 The Causes of the Growth of Education 2.2.2 Present Education System in China 2.3 Higher Education in China 2.3.1 What Is Higher Education 2.3.2 Access to University Education in China 2.3.3 The Causes of the Growth of Higher Education3 Women and Education 3.1 Women's Access to Education and Higher Education in Old China 3.2 Women's Access to Education and Higher Education at Present-day China 3.3 The Changes of Women's Perspectives 3.4 The Implication of Higher Education on Women4 Methodology 4.1 Data Collection 4.2 The Study Setting 4.3 The Sample Selection 4.4 The Method of Data Analysis 4.5 Survey Questionnaire Design5 Analysis of the Data 5.1 Discussion and Interpretation of the Findings 5.1.1 Biographical Details 5.1.2 Women's Perspectives on Career 5.1.3 Women's perspectives on Marriage 5.1.4 Women's Perspective on Motherhood 5.2 The Summary of the Findings 5.2.1 The Relationship between One's Family Background and Education Level 5.2.2 The Characteristics of Women's Perspectives6 Conclusion 6.1 The Significance of the Research 6.2 The Validity of the Research 6.3 The Limitation of the Research 6.4 Suggestions for Further StudyReferencesAppendix Appendix A: Pilot Interview Data Appendix B: Pilot Questionnaire Appendix C: Pilot Questionnaire Data Appendix D: Research Cover Letter Appendix E: Research Questionnaire(English Version) Appendix F: Research Questionnaire(Chinese Version) Appendix G: Questions Unique to Each Group Appendix H: Summary Sheet of the Research Interview Transcripts Appendix I: Summary Sheet of Questionnaire DataList of Tables and Figure Table 1: School System in the People's Republic of China Table 2: Females Enrolled in Higher Education in 1978--2004 Table 3: The Fertility Status of Different Educational Levels of Women from 1981 to 1989 Table 4: Conditions That a Woman Wants Future Spouse to Have Table 5: Factors That Influence Girls' Plans on Marriage in the Future Table 6: Women's Ideal Marriage Age Figure 1: Difficulty Level in Finding JobsKeywords Indexes