Part1 只要我还有痛苦,你就不能说我一无所有
You can't say I have nothing when I have pain
今天觉得痛苦的事恰恰是将来炫耀的资本 2
Today's pain is the capital in future
存在,便有希望 4
Breath means hope
平凡亦可 6
Ordinary road
失去热忱,就损伤了灵魂 8
To give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul
唤醒深藏于心底的激情 12
Wake up your passion deep in your heart
倔强地笑到最后 16
He who laughs last, laughs best
每个人都可以获得自己的精彩 18
Everyone can live a wonderful life
凡是看得见未来的人,都能掌握现在 20
Prepare for the future by handling your present
Part2 风雨后不一定有彩虹,但至少会万里晴空
There should be sunshine after rain
用乐观的心态,看最美的风景 24
Optimism is the most important
于绝望中寻找希望 28
Hew is tone of hope, out of a mountain of despair
把自身塑造成它所选择的模样 30
Put itself as it chooses
心向美好的方向看齐 32
Head for a bright life
态度缔造人生 36
Attitude is everything
未来是现在的延伸 40
The future is an extension of present
人生没有绝境 42
Life is not despair
将心比心 44
Feel for others
活在当下 48
Live in the moment
Part3 没有在荆棘里碾过的人,不足以谈人生
Ever cry, never life
用挫折丈量生命的宽度 54
Use setbacks to measure the width of life
加倍的磨难带来加倍的收获 58
Double tribulation brings double harvest
逆境磨炼人生 60
The school of hard knocks in life
苦难是化了装的幸福 64
Suffering is the happiness in disguise
不要性急地跑在失败前面 66
Don't rush to run in front of the failure
从头也能再次来过 70
All over again
Part4 未来的你一定会感谢现在这个拼命的自己
You will appreciate your efforts today
此时此刻,就是最年轻最有希望的一刻 74
It's the youngest and most promising moment
心灵越纯净,力量越强大 76
The more pure your soul is, the stronger you will be
无论何时,借口都只是借口 80
Whenever, excuses are just excuses
改变人生只能靠自己 84
People only can rely their own
勇敢地做自己的上帝 88
Be brave to be your own god
你的价值决定生命的重量 90
Your value determines the weight of life
Part5 越是艰难的岁月,日子越要认真过
People living deeply have no fear of hard times
请一直坚持下去,直到抵达终点 94
Please stick to it, until you reach the end
学会享受寂寞,一点点为理想添砖加瓦 98
Learn to enjoy loneliness for your dream life
坚韧是翻转人生的力量 100
Tenacity is the power to change your life
包容他人,自己的世界因此海阔天空 102
Pardon others to gain more
Part6 做最好的自己,享受生活而非被生活奴役
Do your best, and enjoy life
改变世界从改变自己开始 104
Change the world starting with yourself
把耳朵叫醒 108
Wake up your mind
给忧虑一个便捷的出口 110
A quick channel for your worry
请自信,否则别人更没有理由相信你 114
Please believe in yourself
不以当下表现丈量未来 118
Now is not equal to the future
驯服习惯为自己服务 120
Control of your habits
面对阳光,你就会看不到阴影 122
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadow
Part7 一直向前看,那是希望所在的地方
There is always hope,so look straight ahead
人生需要折腾 126
You should create your life in the way you want it
可以抱怨,但请适可而止 130
Close complaining mouth
别为打翻的牛奶哭泣 132
Never cry over the spilt milk
比过去更重要的是现在和将来 134
The present and the future is more important than the past
在责骂中快速成长 136
Grow in blame
祸兮福所倚 138
Misfortune, that is where happiness depends
从失败中收获智慧 142
Wisdom usually grows out of failure
Part8 得失相依,在舍弃中获得
One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs
舍弃,是为了加倍获得 144
Give up in order to get more
让记忆学会选择 148
Pick and choose memories to keep
再长久的名声也是短暂的 152
Glory is fleeting
急流之中敢于勇退 154
Get out now
学会在逼仄中弯腰和侧身 156
Learn to bend over in the narrow road
“不可能”是自己给自己的咒语 158
"Impossible" is the mantra of yourself
推开那扇虚掩的门 162
Push the unlocked door
Part9 只要仰起头,就能看见生命的光晕
You can see the light of life when you raise your head
生活是玫瑰,苦难也芬芳 166
Life is a rose, suffering may be sweet
现在就行动 168
Act now
心若在,梦就在 170
Dream is with your heart
让命运见证奇迹 172
Miracle proves everything
幸运从不曾将你遗忘 174
Fortune never forget you
Part10 从容淡定,以花开的姿态生活
Control your life like a flower
从容的力量 178
The strength of serenity
享受生命的快乐 180
Enjoy life
另一种美 182
Another kind of beauty
一份感恩一份平和,一份进取一份收获 184
No pains, no gains
生命就在一呼一吸间 188
Life is in the breath
调整生命的乐器 190
Life is like a musical instrument
在自然中体悟生命本真 192
Learn the meaning of life in nature