1. 别在刮风时倒垃圾Never dump the garbage when the wind blows2. 新把戏New trick3. 帽子满天飞Hats are flying everywhere4. 何处觅知音Where to find my dearest friend?5. 有看头Something fun to watch76. 别发火Don't be nasty7. 虚惊一场A false alarm8. 摩擦取火Rubbing to build a fire9. 安全措施Safety measures10. 熊滚雪球Bear rolls snowball11. 吸烟有害健康Smoking is harmful to health12. 愿使岁月静好May life tranquil and beautiful13. 酒和烟Drinking and Smoking14. 你说我像狗?You say I’m like a dog?15. 忠诚Loyalty16. 总会有办法There is always a way17. 该死的乌鸦Damned raven18. 枪也会爆Gun goes off19. 真是好枪!Such a good gun!20. 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心Bite the hand that helps you21. 竟然忘记它会往前跑!The snake would crawl forward!22. 我不是鱼饵I'm not the bait23. 踢死你!I'm gonna kick you to death24. 这是个妙计A clever trick25. 看你往哪儿跑Where in the world can you run?26. 别转了Stop running after her27. 谁套了谁Who is trapped after all?28. 忙乱What a mess29. 冒牌货Phony30. 没用的车Useless handcart31. 报仇Revenge32. 叫你别咬我Told you not to bite me33. 撞晕了吧You are stunned, aren't you?34. 吓走它Scare away the dog35. 石头鸡Stone chicken36. 骑猪难下Ride on a pig and can never dismount37. 轨迹不对Wrong path line38. 帮倒忙More of a hindrance than a help39. 我只要烟酒I only want cigarette and alcohol40. 真是把好伞A good umbrella41. 真是把好伞A good umbrella42. 烂主意A bad idea43. 教训坏家伙Teach the bad guy a lesson44.. 可怜的帽子Poor hat45. 跟你拼了I'll kill you46. 厉害的武器Powerful weapon47. 装死的兔子The rabbit could play dead48. 偷吃的乌鸦Grain-stealing raven49. 倒霉鬼Hoodoo50. 天上掉馅儿饼Birds fall out of the sky51. “跳冰运动”Ice-diving sport52.. 弓箭拔牙Pull out the tooth with bow and arrow53. 帮倒忙Be more of a hindrance than a help54. 天上掉肥鸡A fat chicken falls out of the sky55. 鲜花不能放背后Never put the flower behind your back56. 拆穿把戏Trick has been discovered57. 淹不死的鼠Mice can't be drowned58. 砸错了对象Mistake the target59. 一样的帽子Same hat60. 同病相怜Fellow suffere61. 同病相怜Fellow suffere62. 头昏眼花I feel dizzy63. 这个熨斗不赖A great iron64. 遇上痴情狗A spoony dog65. 抱歉Excuse me66. 防狗咬Deal with the vicious dog67. 认钱不认人As long as you have money68. 猫的监狱Cat's jail69. 训狗Dog training70. 防止被偷窥Take precautio agait peeping Tom71. 用网捕兔Hunting rabbits72. 掉进冰窟Falling through the ice73. 文明用餐Good table manner74. 吃伞的狗The dog is eatting my umbrella75. 瞎了狗眼Blind dog76. 打不死的东西Indestructible fly77. 以其人之道还治其人之身Return like for like78. 智慧的力量Power of the intelligence79. 谁献的花Who presents me this flower?80. 自食其果Stew myself in my own juice81. 趁机逃跑Run away82. 拿你没办法What am I going to do with you?83. 倾盆大雨Strange rain84. 挤牛奶Milking the cow85. 水上事故Overwater accident86. 一网打尽Catch all fishes87. 又是戒烟Quit smoking again88. 香蕉皮惹的祸Babana skin89. 超长过滤嘴Super-long filter tip90. 自讨苦吃Asking for trouble91. 吹爆气球The balloon blows out92. 猫和老鼠Cat and rat93. 用斧杀鸡Kill a chicken with the axe94. 好法子A good idea95. 新潮发型Trendy hair-style96. 知错就改Correct the mistake immediately97. 心太软Soft hear98. 可怕的发型Dreadful haityle99. 无法下咽I can't eat100. 化妆Make-up101. 不该占便宜I shouldn't gain the advantage102. 救命Help103. 狗拿耗子多管闲事Dog is poking his nose into a mouse's business104. 钓鱼新招A new fishing trick105. 求你饶了我You must be kidding106. 被逼跳水Forced to dive107. 可恶的狗Evil dog108. 本性难移It is hard to change human nature109. 该死的乌鸦Damned raven110. 冒牌手枪Fake pistol111. 一举两得Achieve two aims at the same time112. 糟糕的避雨地Terrible shelter113. 打破记录Break the record114. 势利眼Snob115. 我要揍扁你I'll beat your brai out116. 从哪里来回哪里去Just go back to wherever it is you came from117. 钓酒喝Fishing a bottle of alcohol118. 最后招数Last resort119. 这是艺术This is art120. 坏朋友Bad friend121. 愤怒的罐头Angry can122. 再也不和你握手I will never shake hands with you again123. 笨手笨脚I'm so clumsy124. 早有防备I take precautio125. 怕牙医See a dentist126. 有眼无珠As blind as a bat127. 虚惊一场A false alarm……