Stanley B.Lippman是梦工厂电影动画公司的核心技术小姐成员。加入梦工厂之前,他是迪斯尼电影动画公司的主要工程师。当他在Bell实验室的时候,领导了cfront 3.0版本和2.1版本的编译器开发小组。他也是Bjarne Stroustrup领导的贝尔实验室Foundation项目的成员之一。他是C++Pri
Chapter 1:Basic C++ Programming
1.1:How to Write a C++ Program
1.2:Defining and Initializing a Data Object
1.3:Writing Expressions
1.4:Writing Conditional and Loop Statements
1.5:How to Use Arrays and Vectors
1.6 Pointers Allow for Flexibility
1.7:Writing and Reading Files
Chapter 2:Procedural Programming
2.1:How to Write a Function
2.2:Invoking a Function
2.3:Providing Default Parameter Values
2.4:Using Local Static Objects
2.5:Declaring a Function Inline
2.6:Providing Overloaded Functions
2.7:Defining and Using Template Functions
2.8:Pointers to Functions Add Flexiblity
2.9:Setting Up a Header File
Chapter 3:Generic Programming
3.1:The Arithmetic of Pointers
3.2:Making Sense of Iterators
3.3:Operations Common to All Containers
3.4:Using the Sequential Containers
3.5:Using the Generic Algorithms
3.6:How to Design a Generic Algorithm
3.7:Using a Map
3.8:Using a Set
3.9:How to Use Iterator Inserters
3.10:Using the iostream Iterators
Chapter 4:Object-Based Programming
4.1:How to Implement a Class
4.2:What Are Class Constructors and the Class Destructor?
4.3:What Are mutable and const?
4.4:What Is the this Pointer?
4.5:Static Class Members
4.6:Building an Iterator Class
4.7:Collaboration Sometimes Requires Friendship
4.8:Implementing a Copy Assignment Operator
4.9:Implementing a Function Object
4.10:Providing Class Instances of the iostream Operators