作者 Raina Telgemeier 著;Ann M. Martin、Raina Telgemeier 绘
出版时间 2015-04
版次 1
ISBN 9780545813877
定价 68.00元
装帧 平装
页数 192页
正文语种 英语
丛书 TheBaby-SittersClubGraphix(Book1
For the very first time, The Baby-sitters Club graphic novels adapted by #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling and Eisner Award winning creator of SMILE, Raina Telgemeier, are available in full color! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of The Baby-sitters Club. Whatever comes up -- cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls -- you can count on them to save the day. But baby-sitting isn't always easy, and neither is dealing with strict parents, new families, fashion emergencies, and mysterious secrets. But no matter what, the BSC have what they need most: friendship. Raina Telgemeier, using the signature style featured in her acclaimed graphic novels SMILE and SISTERS, perfectly captures all the drama and humor of the original novel!