序 Preface 章 心身医学理论框架下临床躯体症状分类的相关问题 节 临床躯体症状分类的必要性 第二节 躯体症状的心身医学概念 第三节 躯体症状心身分类的具体建议 第二章 《西部精神医学协会(WCPA)临床躯体症状分类量表》(第二版)的医学临床多中心现场测试 节 方法简介 第二节 临床躯体症状的临床治疗结果及分析 第三节 现场测试结果的解读 第四节 优化治疗方案推荐说明 第五节 躯体症状心身分类治疗结果及解读 第三章 各类躯体症状诊疗案例 节 工伤后所出现的激越和认知性躯体症状 第二节 以奥迪括约肌功能紊乱为特征的激越性躯体症状 第三节 以感觉异常为特征的认知性躯体症状 第四节 以皮肤损害为特征、带节律障碍倾向的激越性躯体症状 第五节 以耳鸣为特征的激越性躯体症状 第六节 以眩晕为主要表现的激越性躯体症状 第七节 以“偏头痛”为主要表现的激越性躯体症状 第八节 以述情障碍为病理心理基础的激越性躯体症状 第九节 以幻觉为特征的认知性躯体症状 第十节 以顽固性咳嗽为特征的激越性躯体症状 第四章 心身医学理论框架下临床躯体症状分类诊断工具研制 节 《WCPA临床躯体症状分类量表》(第二版)修订 第二节 心身医学理论框架下的《WCPA临床躯体症状分类诊断量表》的信度、效度及其相关问题 第三节 《WCPA临床躯体症状分类诊断量表》诊断值的探索研究 第四节 心身医学理论框架下的《WCPA临床躯体症状分类诊断量表》使用说明 第五章 “共识”总结 Chapter 1 Related issues of somatic symptom classification under the theoretical framework of psychosomatic medicine Section 1 The necessity of clinical somatic symptom classification Section 2 Psychosomatic concepts of somatic symptoms Section 3 Specific recommendations for psychosomatic classification of somatic symptoms Chapter 2 Multi-center on-site investigation of WCPA-SSCS (second edition) under the theoretical framework of psychosomatic medicine Section 1 A brief introduction to the method Section 2 Results of the on-site investigation Section 3 The interpretation of on-site investigation results Section 4 Optimization of treatment recommendations Section 5 The results and interpretation of treatment of somatic symptoms Chapter 3 Case sharing Section 1 The agitated and cognitive somatic symptoms after a workrelated injury Section 2 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by dysfunction of the Oddi sphincter Section 3 Cognitive somatic symptoms characterized by paresthesia Section 4 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by skin lesions and predisposition to dysrhythmia Section 5 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by tinnitus Section 6 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by dizziness Section 7 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by \\\"migraine\\\" Section 8 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by alexithymia as pathological psychological basis Section 9 Cognitive somatic symptoms characterized by hallucinations Section 10 Agitated somatic symptoms characterized by intractable cough Chapter 4 Development of diagnostic tools for clinical somatic symptom classification under the framework of psychosomatic medical theory Section 1 Revision of WCPA-SSCS (second edition) Section 2 Reliability, validity and related problems of WCPAClassification & Diagnostic Scale of Somatic Symptoms Section 3 Study on diagnostic value of WCPAClassification & Diagnostic Scale of Somatic Symptoms Section 4 The instruction of WCPAClassification & Diagnostic Scale of Somatic Symptoms under the theoretical framework of psychosomatic medicine Chapter 5 Conclusion: the consensus 参考文献 References