内容摘要 书名:The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking语言的突破 难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数1080L 作者:Dale Carnegie戴尔·卡耐基 出版社名称:Pocket Books 出版时间:1990 语种:英文 ISBN:9780671724009 商品尺寸:10.6 x 2.5 x 17.1 cm 包装:简装 页数:222 (以实物为准) “当下准确的沟通比以往更显重要,因我们所处的时代平衡极易被打破,一句错误的或者使人误解的话都有可能引起意想不到的灾难。”——美国作家詹姆斯·瑟伯 有关研究表明,在劝说人时,其效果只有8%与内容有关,42%与仪容有关,而50%却与言谈有关。日常生活中我们常遇到办事不顺、结果不尽如人意的情况,追根溯源,很多时候是因为说话方面的问题造成的。同样一件事情,换一个人,换一种说话方式,结果就大不一样。所以,在各种不同的场合,针对形形色色个性心理迥异的人,都需要能够做到用语恰当、谈吐得体、不亢不卑、不愠不火,这样,良好的口才不但可以显示出自身的形象,也能够很好地办好事情。 The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking《语言的突破》是卡耐基的成名作,长期以来,作为“卡耐基公开演讲与人际关系课程”的主要教科书之一,被广泛应用,并被译成几十种文字,成为与《人性的优点》《人性的弱点》齐名的卡耐基畅销的三大著作之一。书中所阐述的演讲模式,不同于以往有关演讲的著作,它融合了“公开演说术、推销术、心理学和商业谈判技巧”,指导人们如何克服畏惧,建立自信,顺乎自然地发挥自己的潜在智能,在各种场合下发表恰当的谈话,从而获得人生和商业上的成功。 PUT YOUR IDEAS ACROSS EFFECTIVELY AND YOU’LL PUT YOURSELF ACROSS AT THE SAME TIME! Now streamlined and updated, the book that has literally put millions on the highway to greater accomplishment and success can show you how to have maximum impact as a speaker—every day, and in every situation that demands winning others over to our point of view: ·Chairing or addressing a meeting ·Convincing apurchasing committee that your product is best ·Teaching a method or explaining a subject ·Making a fund-raising speech ·Accepting an award ·Speaking at social gatherings Exchange self-consciousness for self-confidence. Learn how to persuade, to get action, to inform, to impress and convince, to entertain. Dale Carnegie’s easy-to-master five-step program will show you how to be a powerful, effective speaker. The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking《语言的突破》是一本教导人们突破语言障碍、提高表达能力的励志类图书。书中详细讲述了如何与人相处,并获得别人的喜欢和认同,进而有效地影响他人的方法,以便让人们少走弯路,从中受益。 Good public speakers are made, not born — or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage, enthusiasm and self-confidence. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively the quick and easy way; earning the right to talk; vitalising your talk; and sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation, presentation and other skills. Introduction Part One / Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 1 Acquiring the Basic Skills Take Heart from the Experience of Others Keep Your Goal Before You Predetermine Your Mind to Success Seize Every Opportunity to practice 2 Developing Confidence Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public Prepare in the Proper Way Predetermine Your Mind to Success Act Confident 3 Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through Experience or Study Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject Be Eager to Share Your Talk with Your Listeners Part Two / Speech, Speaker, and Audience 4 Earning the eight to Tall Limit Your Subject Develop Reserve Power Fill Your Talk with Illustrations and Examples Use Concrete, Familiar Words That Create Pictures 5 Vitalizing the Talk Choose Subjects You Are Earnest About Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic Acting Earnest 6 Sharing the Talk with the Audience Talk in Terms of Your Listeners' Interests Give Honest, Sincere Appreciation Identify Yourself with the Audience Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk Play Yourself Down Part Three / The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks 7 Making the Short Talk to Get Action Give Your Example, an Incident from Your Life State Your Point, What You Want the Audience to Do Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May Expect 8 Making the Talk to Inform Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them Compare the Strange with the Familiar Use Visual Aids" 9 Making the Talk to Convince Win Confidence by Deserving It Get a Yes-Response Speak with Contagious Enthusiasm Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience Begin in a Friendly Way 10 Making Impromptu Talks Practice Impromptu Speaking Be Mentally Ready to Speak Impromptu Get into an Example Immediately Speak with Animation and Force Use the Principle of the Here and Now Don't Talk Impromptu—Give an Impromptu Talk Part Four / The Art of Communicating 11 Delivering the Talk Crash Through Your Shell of Self-Consciousness Don't Try to Imitate Others—Be Yourself Converse with Your Audience Put Your Heart into Your Speaking Practice Making Your Voice Strong and Flexible Part Five / The Challenge of Effective Speak in 12 Introducing Speakers, Presenting and Accepting Awards Thoroughly Prepare What You Are Going to say Follow the T-I-S Formula Be Enthusiastic Be Warmly Sincere Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of Acceptance 13 Organizing the Longer Talk Get Attention Immediately Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention Support Your Main Ideas Appeal for Action 14 Applying What You Have Learned Use Specific Detail in Everyday Conversation Use Effective Speaking Techniques in Your Job Seek Opportunities to Speak in Public You Must Persist Keep the Certainty of Reward Before You Acknowledgments 戴尔?卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888-1955年),20世纪伟大的成功学大师、美国现代成人教育之父、知名演说家、心理学和人际关系学家。1904年,卡耐基高中毕业后就读于密苏里州华伦斯堡州立师范学院,他是全校600名学生中五六个住不起市镇的学生之一,四处打工弥补学费。1906年,戴尔?卡耐基一篇以《童年的记忆》为题的演说,获得了勒伯第青年演说家奖。这是他初次成功尝试。1908年,他成了全院的风云人物,在各种场合的演讲赛中大出风头。1908年毕业后,他受雇做了一名推销员,后来又以贩卖火腿、肥皂和猪油为生。推销工作虽然很成功,但不合他的理想。他想过更有意义的生活。于是他将他一生中非常重要、丰富的经验,汇集在《人性的弱点》一书中。卡耐基一生结过两次婚,前任夫人是一位法国女伯爵,婚姻仅维持了十年。第二任夫人姚乐丝?卡耐基于1944年和他结婚,是他的门徒和事业的继承人,并给他生了个女孩,取名Donna(唐娜)。戴尔?卡耐基毕生致力于人性问题的研究,创立独特的融演讲、推销、为人处世、智能开发于一体的成人教育方式。代表作《人性的弱点》《人性的优点》《美好的人生》《沟通的艺术》等风靡全球,被各个国家和阶层奉若经典,无数读者由此走上了成功之路。在他辞世半个世纪后,他的书仍占据美国《纽约时报》畅销榜前列,被誉为“人类出版史上的奇迹”。 Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) described himself as a “simple country boy” from Missouri but was also a pioneer of the self-improvement genre. Since the 1936 publication of his first book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, he has touched millions of readers and his classic works continue to impact lives to this day. CHAPTER ONE Acquiring the Basic Skills I STARTED TEACHING classes in public speaking in 1912,the year the Titanic went down in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Since then, more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people have been graduated from these classes. In the demonstration meetings proceeding the first session of the Dale CarnegieCourse, people are given the opportunity of telling why they intend to enroll and what they hope to gain from this training. Naturally, the phraseology varies;but the central desire, the basic want in the vast majority of cases, remains surprisingly the same:“When I am called upon to stand up and speak, I become so self-conscious, so frightened, that I can't think clearly, can't concentrate, can't remember what I intended to say. I want to gain self-confidence, poise, and the ability to think on my feet. I want to get my thoughts together in logical order,and I want to be able to talk clearly and convincingly before a business or social group.” Doesn't this sound familiar? Haven't you experienced these same feelings of inadequacy? Wouldn't you give a small fortune to have the ability to speak convincingly and persuasively in public? I am sure you would. The very fact that you have begun reading the pages of this book is proof of your interest in acquiring the ability to speak effectively. I know what you are going to say, what you would say if you could talk to me:“But Mr. Carnegie, do you really think I could develop the confidence to get up and face a group of people and address them in a coherent, fluent manner?” I have spent nearly all my life helping peopleget rid of their fears and develop courage and confidence. I could fill many books with the stories of the miracles that have taken place in my classes. It is not, therefore, a question of my thinking. I know you can,if you practice the directions and suggestions that you will find in this book. Is there the faintest shadow of a reasonwhy you shouldnot be able to think as well in a perpendicular position before an audience as you can sit down? Is there any reason why you should play host to butterflies in your stomach and become a victim of the “trembles” when you get up to address an audience? Surely, you realize that this conditioncan be remedied, that training and practice will wear away your audience-fright and give you self-confidence. 1234567