内容摘要 量子理论到底是什么? 在本书中你将会找到理解这个理论所需要的一切知识,不管你是否曾经读过关于这个主题的文章。你将读到这样一一些看起来是自相矛盾的现象: 例如光子(光的粒子)可以在同一-时刻位于两个位置,原子能够同时通过两条路径,对于一个以光速运动的粒子来说时间是静止的等等。同时你还会发现量子理论是可能实现星际传送的理论依据。量子世界的所有奇异性都可以通过考察那只原始猫的两个孪生后代的历险过程来获得清楚的理解。在重新考虑光的本质问题之后(这个问题在量子论和相对论中都是一个关键问题),一些新的思想便出现了。这些思想能够解释真实性的本质和解决所有的量子之谜。 你准备好了吗? Quantum theory is so shocking that Einstein could not bring himself to accept it. It is so important that it provides the fundamental underpinning of all modern sciences. Without it, we' d have no nuclear power or nuclear weapons, no TV, no computers, no science of molecular biology, no understanding of DNA, no genetic engineering. In Search of Schrodinger's Cat tells the complete story of quantum mechanics, a truth stranger than any fiction. John Gribbin takes us step by step into an ever more bizarre and fascinating place, requiring only that we approach it with an open mind. He introduces the scientists who developed quantum theory. He investigates the atom, radiation, time travel, the birth of the universe, superconductors and life itself. And in a world full of its own delights, mysteries and surprises, he searches for Schrodinger's Cat - a search for quantum reality - as he brings every reader to a clear understanding of the most important area of scientific study today - quantum physics.