内容摘要 生命中的突然转弯,是令人措手不及,却也无法逃避。 爱,这最简单的情感,竟成了最难的课题? 凯梅玲结婚前夕才发现最好的朋友是她爱情的第三者, 甚至疼爱有加的好友女儿泰根,竟是未婚夫的孩子? 伤心于好友与未婚夫的背叛,痛心疾首真爱的不可相信, 但这并不是此故事最令人动容的地方。 真正让人不忍的是,凯梅玲那伪装的面孔、自行吸收的孤独,紧闭多年的心门要如何迎接好友临终託付的女儿? 没有血缘关系的黑肤色妈咪与白肤色小女孩,痛失今生挚爱的两人,被迫必须共同接受生命中的无法预知,交杂著爱情与背叛、亲情与死亡,椎心刺骨的伤痛让人难以再跨出一步,徘徊在爱与伤痛的边界,惶恐踌躇的她们却迟迟无法跨越…… 这是一本让我们学会谅解、学会认同、学会重新去爱, 一起寻得真正自我的小说。 A gripping and emotional read about friendship, betrayal and forgiveness from Sunday Times bestselling author DOROTHY KOOMSON 'Please don't ignore this. I need to see you. I'm dying.'On Kamryn's thirty-second birthday she receives a card from Adele, the woman who betrayed her and she vowed never to speak to again. Adele has contacted Kamryn because she is desperate - she needs someone to take care of her precious daughter, Tegan, and she's running out of time. Kamryn loves Tegan, but can she really put aside all the hurt and pain of the last few years to rescue Adele when she needs her most?Readers love Dorothy Koomson:'An enjoyable, easy read that might even make you shed the odd tear' Star'Koomson just gets better and better' Woman & Home'Witty, with bits to make you cry and laugh' Real