内容摘要 《巴黎隐士(卡尔维诺自传)》由十九篇或长或短的文章辑成,题材有日记、回忆短文、访谈、短评等。尽管体例不统一,但毫无疑问的,乃是其中都充斥着卡尔维诺生命历程的内容。由卡尔维诺的妻子所写的前言,我们可以知道其中有十二篇早在卡尔维诺生前就已存放在自己列为“自传”的档案里。对于这些留存的资料,他计划怎么处理,我们并无法知悉。他可能根据这些重写一本自传,也可能只是增补剪辑。但这样的工作在卡尔维诺逝世后已永不可能,我们只好自己跳进这些生命痕迹的海洋里与他共泳,并以他的作品来和这些资料参照,重编出我们自己心目中的他的自传。 《巴黎隐士》由三个主要阶段的文章组成。第一个阶段包括了他青少年时在墨索里尼的法西斯统治下,经过参与地下抗德,加入意大利共产党,以及后来没在共产党的记录与省思。第二阶段则是一九五九至一九六零年间他首次访问美国时所写的信札式日记。第三阶段则是后来他多次接受访问的记录。这三个阶段的记录对理解他的生平及文学都有极重要的参考价值。他早年参与政治的那些经验和反省,显示出他不受拘束以及非政治化的天性。 Italo Calvino once said that he preferred to give false details about his biography since he felt that even the genuine data of a writer's life shed no light on the creative work. But this volume of posthumously collected personal writings is the closest we will ever come to the autobiography of this most private of writers. The pieces collected here range from the early 1950s to his last interview, completed just before his sudden death in 1985. Apart from providing a glimpse into his own formative experiences and evolution as an author, Calvino's autobiographical writings also examine the major events of twentieth-century history from a very personal viewpoint. This volume is full of ideas on literature and other writers, all conveyed with the author's distinctive lightness and intelligence.