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申文静,深圳技术大学中德智能制造学院教师 ,香港城市大学博士毕业,曾获香港政府全额奖学金,2018年获深圳市海外高层次C类人才;研究方向为物理建模和参数优化,工业系统参数智能调节应用;
与德国雷根斯堡应用技术大学合作,负责筹建“中德啤酒酿造过程控制实验室”,主持*协同育人项目“啤酒酿造过程控制数字化工厂”,教研项目“中德过程控制联合实验室教学探索与研究”; 已在实验室指导多名德国留学生进行酿造设备自动化改造。计划初步建立基于LabVIEW平台的啤酒酿造数字化工厂的模型,结合智能传感网络对整个生产过程进行仿真、评估、优化和智能控制。
1 Introduction and objective 1
2 General explanation of a brewing process 4
2.1 Ingredients 4
2.1.1 Water 4
2.1.2 Malt 5
2.1.3 Hops 5
2.1.4 Yeast 6
2.2 Work steps for the production of beer 6
2.2.1 Grinding of the malt 7
2.2.2 Mashing 7
2.2.3 Lautering 7
2.2.4 Cooking and addition of hops 8
2.2.5 Hot break separation 8
2.2.6 Cooling of the wort 9
2.2.7 Pitching yeast 9
2.2.8 Fermentation 9
2.2.9 Secondary fermentation and storing 9
3 Description of the brewing plant 11
3.1 Controlling and monitoring of the plant 12
3.2 Four-tank system for the production of wort 13
3.2.1 Mash tank 14
3.2.2 Lauter tank 16
3.2.3 Boiling pot 17
3.2.4 Whirlpool 18
3.3 Fermentation and storage 20
3.3.1 Plate heat exchanger, yeast container and ice water tank 20
3.3.2 Fermentation and storage tanks 21
3.4 Additional components of the brewing plant 22
3.4.1 Cleaning of the fermentation tanks 22
3.4.2 Grinding of the malt 23
3.4.3 Storage of the malt and the hops 24
3.4.4 Production of steam 24
4 Collection of data from the mash tank 26
4.1 Geometrical dimensions 26
4.2 Materials and wall thicknesses 30
4.3 Stirring unit 30
4.4 Heat transfer from the steam to the brewing water 31
4.4.1 Experiments for the distinction of the energy supply by observation of the vapor pressure 32
4.4.2 Calculation of USB 33
4.5 Total heat transmission coeff?icient 35
4.5.1 Experiments for the measurement of the wall temperatures 37
4.5.2 Calculation of ho 39
4.5.3 Calculation of hi 42
4.5.4 Calculation of the total heat transmission coeff?icient 46
4.6 Volume flow of tap water 47
4.7 Summary of the values for the mash tank 48
5 Creation of a flow sheet of the brewing plant 49
5.1 Existing f?low sheet 50
5.2 Newly created f?low sheet 53
5.2.1 Malt milling 54
5.2.2 Steam production 54
5.2.3 Production of wort 58
5.2.4 Cooling of the wort and addition of yeast 59
5.2.5 Cooling water supply 60
5.2.6 Fermentation and storage 60
6 Description of the brewing process 62
6.1 Operation of the plant 62
6.2 Cleaning before the brewing process 65
6.3 Milling 68
6.4 Mashing 70
6.5 Lautering 73
6.6 Cooking 74
6.7 Hot break separation 76
6.8 Cooling 76
6.9 Pitching yeast 77
6.10 Fermentation 79
6.11 Secondary fermentation and storing the beer 80
6.12 Cleaning after the brewing process 81
7 Control of the brewing plant 84
7.1 Fundamentals of programmable logic controllers 84
7.2 S7-200 SMART 85
7.2.1 CPU S7-200 SMART SR40/ST60 85
7.2.2 EM AM06 86
7.2.3 EM AR04/AR02 86
7.3 Switch cabinet with basic functions 87
7.4 Switch cabinet for temperature control 89
8 Basics of network technology 92
8.1 Industrial Ethernet 92
8.2 OPC Foundation 94
8.3 OPC Technology 95
8.3.1 OPC Classic 95
8.3.2 OPC Unif?ied Architecture 97
9 Implementation of a LabVIEW program 99
9.1 Program interface 99
9.2 OPC Server software 100
9.2.1 Shared Variable Engine 100
9.2.2 DSC module 101
9.2.3 NI OPC Server 101
9.2.4 OPC tags 102
10 LabVIEW program—brewing plant control 106
10.1 Graphical user interface 106
10.2 Advanced Features 108
10.2.1 Dual control of the system via LabVIEW and control panel 109
10.2.2 Data Dashboard 111
11 Current temperature control system 113
11.1 Existing controller quality 113
11.2 Modif?ication of control valves and temperature sensor 115
12 Simulation of the mash tank’s temperature control 117
12.1 Controller design 117
12.1.1 Identif?ication of parameters 117
12.1.2 Basics of PID controlling 120
12.1.3 Fundamentals of Fuzzy control 123
12.1.4 PID controller design 128
12.1.5 Fuzzy controller design 130
12.2 Build-up of the simulation in LabVIEW 133
12.2.1 Representation of the controlled system 133
12.2.2 Program structure and functionality 134
12.2.3 Optimization of the simulated controllers 142
13 Implementation of the control system 146
13.1 Operation of the brewing plant 146
13.2 Experiments on the real system 147
13.2.1 Experiments with PI controller 148
13.2.2 Experiments with fuzzy controller 148
13.3 Comparison between simulation and reality 152
13.4 Further investigations 152
References 155
Appendix A 157
Appendix B 159
Figures 160
Tables 167
申文静,深圳技术大学中德智能制造学院教师 ,香港城市大学博士毕业,曾获香港政府全额奖学金,2018年获深圳市海外高层次C类人才;研究方向为物理建模和参数优化,工业系统参数智能调节应用;
与德国雷根斯堡应用技术大学合作,负责筹建“中德啤酒酿造过程控制实验室”,主持*协同育人项目“啤酒酿造过程控制数字化工厂”,教研项目“中德过程控制联合实验室教学探索与研究”; 已在实验室指导多名德国留学生进行酿造设备自动化改造。计划初步建立基于LabVIEW平台的啤酒酿造数字化工厂的模型,结合智能传感网络对整个生产过程进行仿真、评估、优化和智能控制。
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