This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley’s own“diary” lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way.InDiary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids willbe asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing youever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you evergot in for something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with?ThisDo-It-Yourself Bookfeatures art throughout, alongwith ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories,keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves.Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collectedcartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley. Includes 16 pages of full-color comics!
Jeff Kinney生于1971年,毕业于美国马里兰州立大学,取得计算机科学与犯罪量刑两个学科的双学位。大学时期,即在校园报纸《Diamondback》以漫画专栏“Igdoof”初试啼声,旋即获得《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》的介绍。 《小屁孩日记》是他第一部正式出版的作品,一面世就跃居全美畅销书排行榜,更获得《出版人周刊》、Borders’OriginalVoice、美国独立书商协会等殊荣,并创下240万本的销售佳绩。本书并售出25种语言的国际版权,并由美国福斯电影公司(Fox2000)买下版权,即将拍摄成电影。 尽管因《小屁孩日记》一朝成名,Jeff仍维持原来的生活型态,身兼网络出版公司的设计总监、计算机工程师及全职爸爸数职,与太太Julie和两个儿子Will和Grant住在麻州南部。
2009年Jeff Kinney荣列美国《时代周刊》对世界有影响的100人。
JEFF KINNEY is an online game developer and designer, and a #1 NewYork Times bestselling author. In 2009, Jeff was named one of Timemagazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.