导语摘要 《Professional English for Environmental Science and Engineering: Reading and Writing(Second Edition)》涵盖了环境科学与工程专业英语范文、科技英语阅读方法以及写作投稿技巧三方面内容。采用了大量通俗易懂的科技英语范例,涉及环境化学、环境生物学、环境水力学、给排水工程、大气污染控制以及土壤污染及治理等多个领域,包括基础环境知识和前沿热点环境问题及技术,为读者了解和熟悉本专业科技英语词汇奠定基础;全面介绍了环境专业科技英语的类型、结构及特点,总结说明了科技论文检索的主要方法,详细讲解了科技论文精读、泛读及略读技巧,以及如何管理和总结科技英语文献,为读者建立良好的科技英语阅读习惯提供方法;围绕英语科技论文成功发表的关键因素,从选题、立论、论文写作步骤、专业写作要领、论文投稿流程、撰写项目申请等多方面,为读者提供完整有效的科技英语写作技巧和投稿技巧。
目录 Contents Preface—Second edition Preface—First edition Word Box 1 Introduction of scientific research paper 1 1.1 What is science? 1 1.2 What is research? 2 1.3 What is a scientific paper? 4 1.4 The structure of scientific research paper 7 2 Scientific resource search strategy 12 2.1 Introduction of subject resources 12 2.2 Literature classification 12 2.2.1 Primary literature: the source of basic ideas 13 2.2.2 Secondary literature: the source of a specific topic 14 2.2.3 Tertiary literature 15 2.2.4 “Gray” literature 15 2.3 Steps to search the scientific literature 16 2.3.1 Retrieval methods and skills 16 2.3.2 Research tools 19 2.3.3 Databases 21 3 Reading skills for scientific literature 24 3.1 Academic reading 24 3.1.1 Vocabulary for reading comprehension 24 3.1.2 How to treat difficult sentences 27 3.1.3 Note-taking 30 3.2 Four reading skills: intensive, extensive, skimming, scanning 34 3.2.1 Intensive reading 34 3.2.2 Extensive reading 37 3.2.3 Skimming 39 3.2.4 Scanning 40 3.3 A four-step guide for reading a scientific paper 42 3.3.1 Skim the article 43 3.3.2 Put forward questions 44 3.3.3 Comprehend section by section 45 3.3.4 Conclusion and criticism 45 4 Management and summarization of references 47 4.1 Endnote 47 4.1.1 Introduction to Endnote 47 4.1.2 Creating an Endnote Library 48 4.1.3 The management of the Endnote Library 54 4.1.4 How to use endnote for paper writing 55 4.2 BibTexMng 58 4.2.1 Operation with the reference list 58 4.2.2 Operations of the records 60 4.2.3 What is BibTeX? 61 4.2.4 Format of BIB files 62 4.3 Zotero 67 4.3.1 Installation instructions 67 4.3.2 Using Zotero 68 4.3.3 Combining with word to generatebibliographies and citations 70 4.3.4 ZotFile——Advanced PDF management for Zotero 71 5 Before starting to write 74 5.1 Thinking (put forward questions, re-evaluate your data, generate ideas) 74 5.2 Preparation (choose an appropriate journal and consult the guide for authors) 75 5.3 Developing an outline (know the strategy) 76 5.4 Notes before writing 79 6 Steps to write each manuscript section 81 6.1 Title page 81 6.1.1 The title 81 6.1.2 Author names and affiliations 82 6.1.3 Highlights 82 6.1.4 Abstract 83 6.1.5 Graphical abstract 84 6.1.6 Keywords 86 6.2 The main body of the text 87 6.2.1 Introduction 87 6.2.2 Materials and Methods 99 6.2.3 Figures and Tables 104 6.2.4 Results and Discussion 116 6.2.5 Conclusions 120 6.2.6 Others 120 6.2.7 Revision 122 7 Publication of scientific manuscript 125 7.1 Where to submit 125 7.1.1 Decide early 125 7.1.2 How to find appropriate journals 126 7.2 How to submit 129 7.2.1 Basic concepts 129 7.2.2 Process of submitting 134 7.2.3 Response to editors and reviews 136 7.3 Publishing process 139 7.3.1 Copyediting process 139 7.3.2 Marking the corrections 140 7.3.3 Additions 142 8 How to use LaTex 144 8.1 Introduction to LaTex 144 8.2 The installation of LaTex 144 8.3 The basic grammar rules of LaTex 147 8.4 An example of using LaTex to write academic papers 148 References 156 Appendix 158 Example Monograph 1 159 Example Monograph 2 163 Example Monograph 3 166 Example Monograph 4 169 Example Monograph 5 172 Example Monograph 6 174 Example Article 175 Example Article 181 Example Article 189 Example Article 194 Example Article 207 Example Article 210 Example Article 219
内容摘要 《Professional English for Environmental Science and Engineering: Reading and Writing(Second Edition)》涵盖了环境科学与工程专业英语范文、科技英语阅读方法以及写作投稿技巧三方面内容。采用了大量通俗易懂的科技英语范例,涉及环境化学、环境生物学、环境水力学、给排水工程、大气污染控制以及土壤污染及治理等多个领域,包括基础环境知识和前沿热点环境问题及技术,为读者了解和熟悉本专业科技英语词汇奠定基础;全面介绍了环境专业科技英语的类型、结构及特点,总结说明了科技论文检索的主要方法,详细讲解了科技论文精读、泛读及略读技巧,以及如何管理和总结科技英语文献,为读者建立良好的科技英语阅读习惯提供方法;围绕英语科技论文成功发表的关键因素,从选题、立论、论文写作步骤、专业写作要领、论文投稿流程、撰写项目申请等多方面,为读者提供完整有效的科技英语写作技巧和投稿技巧。