作者简介 沃伦?基根(Warren J. Keegan) 美国佩斯大学卢宾商学院市场营销和国际商务杰出教授,美国国际商务学会会士,亚洲全球商务领袖协会命名的“杰出个人”,拥有哈佛商学院工商管理硕士和企业管理博士学位。曾在美国哥伦比亚商学院、巴鲁什学院和乔治华盛顿大学政府与工商管理学院任教,并在美国纽约大学、夏威夷大学,英国剑桥大学伊曼纽尔学院,欧洲工商管理学院,瑞士IMD商学院,瑞典斯德哥尔摩经济学院荣任访问教授多年。 马克?格林(Mark C. Green) 美国艾奥瓦州辛普森学院管理学教授,讲授管理学、营销学、广告学、国际营销学、创业与创新等多门课程。拥有美国劳伦斯大学俄语文学学士学位、康奈尔大学俄语语言学硕士和博士学位、雪城大学营销管理工商管理硕士学位。在辛普森学院荣获多个奖项,包括杰出教学与写作奖、杰出教学奖等。
主编推荐 沃伦?基根(Warren J. Keegan) 美国佩斯大学卢宾商学院市场营销和国际商务杰出教授,美国国际商务学会会士,亚洲全球商务领袖协会命名的“杰出个人”,拥有哈佛商学院工商管理硕士和企业管理博士学位。曾在美国哥伦比亚商学院、巴鲁什学院和乔治华盛顿大学政府与工商管理学院任教,并在美国纽约大学、夏威夷大学,英国剑桥大学伊曼纽尔学院,欧洲工商管理学院,瑞士IMD商学院,瑞典斯德哥尔摩经济学院荣任访问教授多年。 马克?格林(Mark C. Green) 美国艾奥瓦州辛普森学院管理学教授,讲授管理学、营销学、广告学、国际营销学、创业与创新等多门课程。拥有美国劳伦斯大学俄语文学学士学位、康奈尔大学俄语语言学硕士和博士学位、雪城大学营销管理工商管理硕士学位。在辛普森学院荣获多个奖项,包括杰出教学与写作奖、杰出教学奖等。
精彩内容 Global Marketing, Eighth Edition, builds on the worldwide success of the previous editions of Principles of Global Marketing and Global Marketing. Those books took an environmental and strategic approach by outlining the major dimensions of the global business environment. The authors also provided a set of conceptual and analytical tools that prepared students to success- fully apply the four Ps to global marketing. our goal for all eight editions has been the same: to write a book that is authoritative in con- tent yet relaxed and assured in style and tone. Here’s what students have to say: Global Marketing, Eighth Edition, builds on the worldwide success of the previous editions of Principles of Global Marketing and Global Marketing. Those books took an environmental and strategic approach by outlining the major dimensions of the global business environment. The authors also provided a set of conceptual and analytical tools that prepared students to success- fully apply the four Ps to global marketing. our goal for all eight editions has been the same: to write a book that is authoritative in con- tent yet relaxed and assured in style and tone. Here’s what students have to say: Global Marketing, Eighth Edition, builds on the worldwide success of the previous editions of Principles of Global Marketing and Global Marketing. Those books took an environmental and strategic approach by outlining the major dimensions of the global business environment. The authors also provided a set of conceptual and analytical tools that prepared students to success- fully apply the four Ps to global marketing. our goal for all eight editions has been the same: to write a book that is authoritative in con- tent yet relaxed and assured in style and tone.