目录 1.别在刮风时倒垃圾 Never dump the garbage when the wind blows 2.新把戏 New trick 3.帽子满天飞 Hats are flying everywhere 4.何处觅知音 Where to find my dearest friend? 5.有看头 Something fun to watch7 6.别发火 Dont be nasty 7.虚惊一场 A false alarm 8.摩擦取火 Rubbing to build a fire 9.安全措施 Safety measures 10.熊滚雪球 Bear rolls snowball 11.吸烟有害健康 Smoking is harmful to health 12.愿使岁月静好 May life tranquil and beautiful 13.酒和烟 Drinking and Smoking 14.你说我像狗? You say I’m like a dog? 15.忠诚 Loyalty 16.总会有办法 There is always a way 17.该死的乌鸦 Damned raven 18.枪也会爆 Gun goes off 19.真是好枪! Such a good gun! 20.狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 Bite the hand that helps you 21.竟然忘记它会往前跑! The snake would crawl forward! 22.我不是鱼饵 Im not the bait 23.踢死你! Im gonna kick you to death 24.这是个妙计 A clever trick 25.看你往哪儿跑 Where in the world can you run? 26.别转了 Stop running after her 27.谁套了谁 Who is trapped after all? 28.忙乱 What a mess 29.冒牌货 Phony 30.没用的车 Useless handcart ……