一诺千金 中国精准扶贫路径与实践
全新正版 极速发货
作者 黄承伟
出版社 外文出版社
ISBN 9787119125435
出版时间 2021-01
装帧 平装
开本 16开
定价 98元
货号 1202328260
上书时间 2024-12-18
作者简介 黄承伟,男,1965年生,博士、研究员。现任国务院扶贫办中国扶贫发展中心主任、北京大学贫困治理研究中心主任,中国农业大学人文发展学院博士生导师。长期从事农村减贫与发展领域的研究及管理工作。近年来主持或参与完成国家社科基金重大项目、国家部委委托课题等各类研究项目50余项。参与党的十八大以来国家扶贫重大专题调研及政策制定、国家精准扶贫方略顶层设计、有关重要文稿起草。 目录 Chapter Ⅰ A Miracle on Earth Ⅰ.China Has Made Remarkable Achievements in Poverty Alleviation Ⅱ.Unfettered Evolution of Poverty Alleviation with Chinese Characteristics Ⅲ.Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategies as the Only Path for Global Poverty Reduction Chapter Ⅱ The Background Ⅰ.The Poverty Reduction Situation at Home and Abroad Ⅱ.The Bottom-line Task of Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects Ⅲ.Frontier Issues in the New Era of Poverty Alleviation Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Guidance Ⅰ.Formulation and Development of Chinas Thought on Poverty Alleviation Since 1949 Ⅱ.Xi Jinpings Thought System on Poverty Alleviation Ⅲ.Contribution of Xi Jinpings Thought on Poverty Alleviation to the New Era Ⅳ.The Global Significance of Xi Jinpings Thought on Poverty Alleviation Chapter Ⅳ Decisions and Deployments Ⅰ.Decision on Winning the Fight against Poverty Ⅱ.Guiding Opinions on the Three-Year Action to Win the Fight against Poverty Ⅲ.Theoretical and Practical Innovation in the Fight against Poverty Chapter Ⅴ Targeted Poverty Alleviation Ⅰ.Ideological System of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Ⅱ.Fundamental Requirements of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Ⅲ.Approaches to Advancing Targeted Poverty Alleviation Ⅳ.Targeted Poverty Alleviation: Chinas Practice Chapter Ⅵ Typical Cases Ⅰ.Guizhou: A Provin Model of Poverty Alleviation Ⅱ.Guangyuan City: Approaches to Tackling Regional Poverty Ⅲ.Lankao County: Approaches to Poverty Alleviation in a Poverty-stricken County Ⅳ.Minning Town: Poverty Alleviation through Cooperation between Chinas Western and Eastern Regions Ⅴ.Shibadong Village: A Model Village for Targeted Poverty Alleviation Chapter Ⅶ Prospects Ⅰ.Securing a Decisive Victory in Fighting against Poverty Ⅱ.Relative Poverty in China after the Battle against Poverty Ⅲ.China Poverty Reduction Strategy toward 2030 Epilogue 内容摘要 贫困,是人类社会发展的共同挑战。中国2020年如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,在中华民族几千年历史发展上酋次整体消除保证贫困现象,这对于中华民族、对于整个人类都具有载入史册的重大意义。中国打赢脱贫攻坚战的时代背景是什么?脱贫攻坚的理论指导是怎样的?中国共产党关于脱贫攻坚的决策部署是怎样一步步形成的?2020年后如何实现巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接?本书还从省、市、县、乡、村五个层级各选择一个案例进行总结,读者可以从这些实践中读懂扶贫论述是怎样从顶层设计落实到村到户、实现精准脱贫的。 主编推荐 Why did the world-renowned miracle of poverty alleviation happen in China? In the process of achieving its second centenary goal after 2020, how China effectively keeps its poverty alleviation results while achieving rural revitalization is a challenge, but also an opportunity.
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