目录 构建经济公正的世界——在第二届“世界文化发展论坛”(2014)上的致辞【江 畅】/001 Building a World with Economic Justice—Address at the World Cultural Development Forum (2014)(Jiang Chang) 总序:渴望全球正义【强以华】/012 推动世界走向经济公正——第二届“世界文化发展论坛”(2014)明尼苏达宣言/021 Promoting the World Economic Justice—World Cultural Development Forum (2014) Minnesota Declaration 理论前沿 德福平衡原理视角下的经济不平等与社会公正【周海春】/031 Economic Inequality and Social Justice from the Perspective of Virtue-Luck Balance(Zhou Haichun) 就业:当今世界的巨大挑战【Hortensia Cuéllar】/048 Employment: Today’s Big Challenge(Hortensia Cuéllar) 论坛专题 罗尔斯正义论视角下的中国分配公正问题研究【孙友祥 杨杏蓉】/069 Distributive Justice in China from the Perspective of Rawls’ Theory of Justice (Sun Youxiang;Yang Xingrong) 经济不平等与世界性的环境正义【文贤庆 李培超】/079 Economic Inequality and Globally Environmental Justice(Wen Xianqing;Li Peichao) 社会公平——中西方共同的社会理想【昌 灏 徐方平】/091 Social Justice:The Common Social Ideals in China and Western Countries (Chang Hao;Xu Fangping) 论社会公正与公共善【Carmen Ramos G.de C.】/100 A Brief Note About Social Justice and Common Good(Carmen Ramos G.de C.) 经济不平等与世界正义:自由主义教育【Corazon T. Toralba】/109 Economic Inequality and World Justice: Liberal Education(Corazon T. Toralba) 论中国经济发展不平等中的教育公平【张庆宗 靖国平】/121 On China’s Equity in Education Against Its Inequality in Economic Development (Zhang Qingzong;Jing Guoping) 问题探讨 考察正义的两种方法【彭定光 李桂梅】/139 Two Ways to Inquire Justice(Peng Dingguang;Li Guimei) 人类情感与经济正义【李家莲】/145 Human Sentiments and Economic Justice(Li Jialian) 论语言意识形态与语言秩序——以美国孔子学院风波为例【郭熙煌】/158 Language Ideology & Order: A Case Study of the Confucius Institute Incident in U.S. (Guo Xihuang) 强“魂”健“体”:建设当代中国主流文化的关键【陈 俊 柳丹飞】/169 Strengthening the“Soul” and Improving the “Body”: Key to Build up Contemporary Chinese Mainstream Culture(Chen Jun;Liu Danfei) 康德谈两性关系【徐 瑾】/180 On Relationship Between Man and Woman by Kant(Xu Jin) 哈马克论经济不平等与世界正义【A.L.Samian】/189 Hamka’s Perspective on Economic Inequality and World Justice(A.L.Samian) 无灌输的教育:全球公民理想与伦理挑战【Paul A. Swift】/201 Education Without Indoctrination: The Ideal and Challenge of Ethical Training for Global Citizenship(Paul A. Swift) 学术争鸣 国际经济正义中的几个问题辨析【强以华】/215 Some Issues in International Economic Justice(Qiang Yihua) 伟业呼唤公义:经济不平等与世界正义对正义的呼唤【Thomas Menamparampil】/226 When Great Achievements Fail to Combine with Fairness:A Plea for Fairness by Economic Inequality and World Justice(Thomas Menamparampil) 全球不平等与正义:遥远的门扉【Lydia Amir】/264 Inequality and Justice in a Global World: The Distant Poor(Lydia Amir) 反思全球正义与道德责任【G.J.M. Abbarno】/293 Re-thinking Global Justice and Moral Responsibility(G.J.M. Abbarno) 论当代中国价值观【江 畅】/305 On Values of Contemporary China(Jiang Chang)