目录 Chapter 01 演讲的力量 1.1 I Have a Dream(Excerpt)我有一个梦想(节选) 1.2 QueenS First Speech after Brexit(Excerpt) 英国公投脱欧之后女王首次发声(节选) 1.3 Theresa MayS Inaugural Speech(Excerpt) 特营莎·梅就职演说(节选) 1.4 To Be a Global Person(Excerpt) 做胸怀天下之人(节选) 1.5 Always Remember Your Dream and Respons_biIity(Excerpt) 坚持梦想,铭记责任(节选) 1.6 Speak Up When You Disagree with the Voice ofAuthority(Excerpt) 听从内心,追随直觉(节选) 1.7 To Create a Healthy Environment for Healthy People 营造健康环境,成就健康人生 1.8 Message for National Stand Up to Bullying Day 英国首个全国反欺凌日致辞 Chapter 02 传奇人生 2.1 Mandela.Father of South Africa南非“国父”曼德拉 2.2 Martin Luther King,Great Fighter of Civil Rights 马丁·路德·金,民权运动的伟大斗士 2.3 Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher “铁娘子”玛格丽特·撒切尔 2.4 Theodore Roosevelt“老罗斯福”西奥多·罗斯福 2.5 The Best US President—Frankfin Roosevelt 美国最杰出总统——富兰克林·罗斯福 2.6 Benjamin Franklin.a Versatile American“天才”本杰明·富兰克林. 2.7 Henry Ford.a Tycoon ofAmerican Automobile Industry 亨利·福特,美国汽车行业的大亨 2.8 Victoria Beckham,a Successful Woman 维多利亚·贝克汉姆,一位成功的女性 2.9 Natalie Po rIman.Embodiment Of Beauty and Wisdom 娜塔莉·波特曼,美貌与智慧的化身 2.10 WorIds Most Sexy Brad Pitt 性感男神布拉德·皮特 Chapter 03 词汇趣谈 3.1 Aninlals Carl Be“Silerlt”and“Active”亦“动”亦“静”的动物 3.2 Common Bridge Used in Uncommon Ways 普通的“桥”也有不普通的一面 3.3 Do You Have an AchillesHeel? 你的“阿喀琉斯之踵”是什么? 3.4 Food Expressions “能说会道”的食物 3.5 Colors and Feelings “颜色”也有喜怒哀乐 3.6 Fireworks Can Be Angry and Excited “烟花”也会有情绪 3.7 Eyes in Englist 透过“眼睛”说英语 3.8 Hold Your Horses When Talking about Horses 说到“马”时请三思 3.9 Useful Snow Expressions 玩“雪”玩出新花样 3.10 Lets Talk about Love.Baby 亲爱的,我们来聊聊“爱情” 3.11 American Ertglish VS.British English 美式英语与英式英语大比拼 3.12 Apple in American Culture “苹果”跟美国的渊源 3.13 Face the Music Doesnt Sound Pleasant“音乐”不一定都好听 3.14 English Likes the Word“Dog” 当英语遇上“汪星人” 3.15 The Unpleasant Aspects of“Mother” “母亲”不为人知的一面 Chapter 04 读懂生活 4.1 Who Is Your Guardian Angel 上帝派来守护你的天使 4.2 Shoulder the Burden of Life 做一个有担当的人 4.3 Words to Encourage Girls 写给女孩的话 4.4 Be a Master of Your Emotion 做情绪的主人 4.5 Enemies in Your Inner Heart 直面内心深处的敌人 4.6 What Is Happiness 何谓幸福 4.7 Catch the Star That Holds Your Destiny追随那颗圆梦的星 4.8 What Happens to People in Modern Era现代人怎么了 4.9 To Forgive or Remember 原谅和铭记只在一念之间 Chapter 05 诗意的天空 5.1 The Road Not Taken未选择的路 5.2 Auld Lang Syne往昔的时光 5.3 Bright Star灿烂星辰 5.4 The River-MerchantS Wife:A Letter 船商的妻子:一封信 5.5 Dreams梦 5.6 Spring and All春天及一切 Chapter 06 触摸文化 6.1 How American People Show Their Hospitality 美国人的待客之道 6.2 Marriage in America美国人眼中的婚姻 6.3 A Guide to Euphemisms委婉语指南 6.4 Body Language:a Complement of Words. 肢体语言:言之有尽而意无穷 6.5 The Big Apple,a Nickname of New York 大苹果,纽约的“昵称” 6.6 The Millennials with the Most to Lose from Brexit 英国脱欧受打击最重的千禧一代 6.7 American Football VS.British Football 美式足球与英式足球之比较 6.8 The Story of Mickey Mouse米老鼠的问世 6.9 Chinas Lucrative Caffeine Craze 中国咖啡热引掘金浪潮 6.10 Cellphone:a Coin ofTwo Sides手机之利弊 Chapter 07 品味历史 7.1 What Does America Experience in 1 960s 美国的20世纪60年代发生了什么 7.2 Nixon Pays a Visit to China:an Ice-breaking Journey 尼克松访华:中美关系的破冰之旅 7.3 The Civil Rights Movement,Calling for Freedom and Equality 追求自由与平等的民权运动 7.4 July 4 Isn。t AmericaS Independence Day? 7月4日不是美国的独立日? 7.5 Invasion in Normandy。a Turning Point of World War Two 扭转第二次世界大战战局的诺曼底登陆 7.6 USA Competes with Soviet Union in Space 美苏在太空的较量 7.7 America Says Goodbye to the New Deal 美国告别罗斯福新政的时代 Chapter 08 财经密码 8.1 The Alibaba.the Crocodile of the Yangzi 阿里巴巴,长江中的鳄鱼 8.2 How to Handle the Skills Gap in US Job Market 如何应对美国就业市场上的技能缺El? 8.3 AsiaS Economic Growth Poses Threats to Environment 亚洲经济增长威胁环境 8.4 Why Does US Central Bank Raise Its Interest Rates 美联储为何提高联邦基金利率 8.5 Angus Deaton。Winner of the 201 5 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 安格斯·迪顿,诺贝尔经济学奖得主 8.6 AmericaS Holiday Shopping Season Starts 美国的节日购物季 8.7 What Makes iPhone Sales Say Goodbye to Record Growth 苹果的销量为何下降 8.8 Is Bandwagon Behavior Right or Not从众行为可取与否 Chapter 09 健康公开课 9.1 WhatS Our Health怎样才算真正的健康 9.2 What Kinds of Factors Affect Your Health. 影响健康的因素有哪些 9.3 What Kinds of Nutrients You Body Needs 我们的身体都需要哪些营养物 9.4 Do You Understand Your Self-Esteem 你了解自尊心吗 9.5 Is Email Wearing You Out电子邮件让你疲惫不堪了吗 9.6 E-Cigarettes Are Not as Safe as You Imagine 电子香烟没有你想象的安全 9.7 Why You Cannot Sleep in New Environment 为什么换个陌生的环境就睡不着