雅思预备教程 听力(第3版)
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作者李亚宾,李晓利 编
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李亚宾,1976年毕业于北京师范大学外语系英语专业,毕业后在北京语言大学任教。1982—1983年赴美国加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁斯分校进修英美文学。1989年在英国伊林高等教育学院(现名泰晤士河谷大学)获得英语文学硕士学位。1990年回国后长期从事雅思听力教学及教材的编写工作。除深受几代“烤鸭”好评的“黑眼睛”《IELTS考试技能训练教程·听力》外,还著有《雅思预备教程·听力》《非常雅思高分训练:听力专题特训 高频词汇快速突破》等。
李晓利,1998年在南开大学英语系获得学士学位,2001年在清华大学英语系获得硕士学位。此后一直在北京语言大学任教,其间作为访问学者先后到英国南安普顿大学和雷丁大学进修。著有《国家公派留学人员英语统考教程·写作》《非常雅思高分训练:阅读专题特训 高频词汇快速突破》等。
概述 如何备考雅思听力考试 1
一、了解雅思听力考试 2
二、雅思听力考试中必须注意的几个细节 3
Unit One Names and Places 7
Part One The Letters of the Alphabet 9
Exercise 1 Identifying the letters of the alphabet 9
Exercise 2 Common abbreviations 9
Exercise 3 Names of places 10
Part Two Getting to Know Each Other 11
Exercise 1 What is his name? 11
Exercise 2 Where are they from? 12
Exercise 3 What is your subject? 12
Exercise 4 Introducing yourself 13
Exercise 5 Are you from Australia? 14
Exercise 6 What’s your last name? 15
Exercise 7 Are you German? 15
Exercise 8 That sounds interesting 17
Unit Two Numbers 19
Part One Cardinals 21
Exercise 1 Reading the numbers 21
Exercise 2 Number dictation 21
Exercise 3 Ticking the numbers you hear 22
Exercise 4 Which number is it? 22
Exercise 5 Number practice 22
Exercise 6 Discriminating between teens and tens 23
Exercise 7 Reading the numbers 24
Exercise 8 Number dictation 24
Exercise 9 India’s daily COVID-19 caseload 24
Exercise 10 Airports in the Southeast of Britain 25
Exercise 11 Practical problem-solving 25
Part Two Ordinals 27
Exercise 1 Reading the ordinal numbers 27
Exercise 2 Ordinal number dictation 27
Exercise 3 Practice with ordinals 28
Part Three Decimal Fractions and Percentages 29
Exercise 1 Smartphone users 29
Exercise 2 Smartphone addiction 30
Exercise 3 Online shopping in the U.S.A. 30
Exercise 4 Food prices in Ireland 30
Part Four Money 31
Exercise 1 How much is this? 31
Exercise 2 How much does this cost? 32
Exercise 3 Accommodation 33
Exercise 4 Travelling in London 33
Exercise 5 Shopping in London 34
Exercise 6 Studying in London 34
Exercise 7 Healthy diet 35
Part Five Time 36
Exercise 1 Can you tell me the time? 36
Exercise 2 What time does the next train arrive? 37
Exercise 3 Daily schedules 38
Exercise 4 Mike’s and Ellen’s day 38
Part Six The Telephone 39
Exercise 1 Inquiry 39
Exercise 2 Making an appointment 40
Exercise 3 Telephone message (1) 40
Exercise 4 Telephone message (2) 41
Exercise 5 Telephone message (3) 41
Exercise 6 What’s your address? 41
Part Seven Dates 43
Exercise 1 Days and months 43
Exercise 2 When does school start? 44
Exercise 3 What date? 45
Exercise 4 Great names in British history 45
Exercise 5 Find the difference 46
Unit Three Survival English 49
Exercise 1 Health problems 51
Exercise 2 In a camera shop 51
Exercise 3 In the restaurant 52
Exercise 4 At the reception desk in a hotel 53
Exercise 5 Christmas activities 53
Exercise 6 Trip to Stonehenge 54
Exercise 7 Marriage 54
Exercise 8 University campus 55
Exercise 9 Music in New Orleans 56
Exercise 10 Talking to a landlady 56
Exercise 11 The news 57
Exercise 12 Some interesting places to go 58
Exercise 13 Trip to Belfast 58
Exercise 14 Sports 59
Exercise 15 Tipping in the UK 60
Unit Four Popular Science 61
Exercise 1 How to grow chives 63
Exercise 2 Who invented popcorn? 63
Exercise 3 Lobsters 64
Exercise 4 Jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge 64
Exercise 5 Where do ants go in winter? 65
Exercise 6 How crossword puzzles are created 65
Exercise 7 Koala 66
Exercise 8 Stamp collecting 67
Exercise 9 Get the right food to stay slim 68
Exercise 10 Our body systems 68
Exercise 11 Inventor of the telephone (1) 69
Exercise 12 Inventor of the telephone (2) 70
Exercise 13 Inventors of the airplane (1) 70
Exercise 14 Inventors of the airplane (2) 71
Exercise 15 Invention of the telegraph (1) 71
Exercise 16 Invention of the telegraph (2) 72
Unit Five Academic English 75
Exercise 1 University’s calendar 77
Exercise 2 About the course work 77
Exercise 3 The first-year undergraduates 78
Exercise 4 Being involved in campus life 79
Exercise 5 Be a successful student 80
Exercise 6 Homestay programme 81
Exercise 7 Oxford 82
Exercise 8 Controlling concentration 82
Exercise 9 Computing service 83
Exercise 10 English letter writing 84
Exercise 11 How to become a confident student 84
Exercise 12 About language learning 85
Exercise 13 How to take notes 86
Exercise 14 Tuition fees of British universities 87
Exercise 15 How to write a summary 89
Practice Test 91
录音文本 98
答案 167
总词汇表 194
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