目录 Foreword Pref,0ce Acknowledgement Part One Project Implementation Background Chapter 1 Locational Features ofDalian Lake 1.1 Geographical Location 1.2 Natural Conditions 1.3 Social Economic Conditions Reference Chapter 2 Regional Evolution ofDalian Lake 2.1 Regional Wetland Type 2.2 Regional Wetland Biology 2.2.1 Plankton 2.2.2 Aquatic vascular bundle plants 2.2.3 Zoobenthos 2.2.4 Fishes 2.2.5 BirdS 2.2.6 Animals 2.2.7 Endangered rare species 2.2.8 Invasive species 2.3 Regional Wetland Evolution 2.3.1 Kinds ofphytoplankton and evolution ofdominant species 2.3.2 Kinds and quantity evolution ofzooplankton 2.3.3 7ype.quantity and distribution evolution of aquatic vascular bundle plants 2.3.4 Type.quantity distribution and evolution ofbentonic organism 2.3.5 Composition,distribution characteristics and aquatic product types offishes in Dianshan Lake Reference Chapter 3 Characteristics ofHydrologic Environment 3.1 Hydrologic Characteristics. 3.2 Physical and Chemical Characteristics ofWater Environment 3.3 Biological Characteristics ofWater Environment 3.3.1 Density ofphytoplankton 3.3.2 Chlorophyll a Content ofPhytoplankton in Dalian Lake 3.3.3 Density ofzooplankton 3.3.4 Density ofzoobenthos and biomass in Dalian Lake Chapter 4 Analysis on Pollution Source 4.1 Internal Source Pollution 4.2 Non―point Source Pollution 4.2.1 Farm chemical fertilizerpollution 4.2.2 Animat husbandry pollution 4.2.3 Fishery breeding pollution 4.3 Point Source Pollution 4.3.1 Pollution by iura〕lifc 4.3.2 Pollution by industries Reference Part Two Project Planning,Design and Construction Chapter 5 Wetland Restoration Strategy 5.1 Evaluation on Status ofDalian Lake Wetland 5.1.1 Analysis on ecological functions ofDalian Lake wetland 5.1.2 Integrated evaluation on status quo ofDalian Lake wetland 5.2 Wetland Restoration Thinking 5.2.1 EffCct after Dalian Lake wetland is rehabilitated 5.2.2 Restoration strategy ofDalian Lake wetland 5.2.3 Management measures ofwetland 5.3 Philosophy and Principle for Planning and Designing on Wetland Restoration Proje 5.3.1 Design philosophy ofwetland restoration 5.3.2 Design principle ofwetland restoration 5.4 Overall Planning for Wetland Restoration Project 5.4.1 Project and its significance 5.4.2 Project planning objective and overall thinking 5.4.3 Planning content and scale ofproject 5.4.4 Anticipated effect ofproject Reference Chapter 6 Wetland Restoration Project Layout and Subarea Design. 6.1 General Engineering Layout. 6.2 Engineering Subarea Design. 6.2.1 Design ofwetland restoration and reconstruction area 6.2.2 Design of forest wetland cultivation area 6.2.3 Design ofshoal wetland restoration and diversity conservation area 6.3 Water Conservation and Earthwork Design ofthe Project 6.3.1 Thc work conservation design ofthe project 6.3.2 Earthwork project Chapter 7 Other Designs for Wetland Restoration Project 7.1 Construction Organization Design 7.1.1 Engineering conditions 7.1.2 Drained waters in construction period 7.1.3 Construction methods 7.1.4 Construction layout 7.1.5 Soil balance 7.1.6 Construction area 7.1.7 Construction progress 7.1.8 The main machinery equipment for the construction 7.1.9 The main technical and economic indexes for the construction 7.2 Environment Protection Design 7.2.1 Environment protection goals 7.2.2 Environment protection standard 7.2.3 Analysis and appraisal for the affection of project construction on environment 7.2.4 Environment protection design 7.2.5 Environmental management and monitoring plan 7.3 Water and Soil Conservation Design 7.3.1 Design basis 7.3.2 Fundamental principle 7.3.3 The status quo of water and soil loss 7.3.4 Earthwork balance 7.3.5 The responsibility scope and subarea of water and soil loss prevention and control 7.3.6 The analysis of the affection of development and construction activities on water and soil loss 7.3.7 The goal of water and soil loss prevention and control 7.3.8 Measures of water and soil loss prevention and control 7.3.9 Water and soil loss monitoring 7.4 Project Management and Maintenance 7.4.1 Management institution and personnel composition 7.4.2 Management scope and contents 7.4.3 Water quality monitoring and biological investigation 7.4.4 Annual operation and management cost 7.4.5 Project operation and management 7.4.6 Planting and management methods of wetland plants 7.4.7 Management laws and regulations Chapter 8 Construction and Management of the Project 8.1 Construction Overview of the Project 8.1.1 Basic state of the project 8.1.2 Construction characteristics of the project 8.1.3 Overall construction layout 8.2 Construction Organization and On-site Management 8.2.1 Construction organization structure 8.2.2 Construction on-site management 8.3 Construction Solution of the Project 8.3.1 Main construction procedure 8.3.2 Construction preparation and temporary facilities 8.3.3 On-site clean up 8.3.4 Earthwork digging and refilling 8.3.5 Quick percolation system filling 8.3.6 Plant planting 8.4 Construction Progress and Guarantee System of the Project 8.4.1 Construction progress and the goals of construction period 8.4.2 Quality guarantee system and guarantee measures of the project 8.4.3 Safety guarantee system and safety guarantee measures 8.4.4 Technical measures of the construction in winter and monsoon 8.4.5 On-site civilized construction measures 8.4.6 Construction management and others 8.5 Supervision of the Project 8.5.1 Supervision goals and guidance 8.5.2 Supervision institution 8.5.3 Task and method of investment control 8.5.4 Tasks and methods of progress control 8.5.5 The tasks and methods of quality control 8.5.6 The supervision method of defect responsibility period Part Three Effect Monitoring and Appraisal Chapter 9 Wetland Water Quality Monitor and Appraisal 9.1 The Water Quality Monitoring Layout and Appraisal Methods of the Project 9.1.1 Monitoring layout and time 9.1.2 Water quality monitoring and appraisal methods 9.2 The Monitoring Results of the Water Quality of the Project 9.2.1 The physical property of the water 9.2.2 The chemical property of water 9.2.3 