目录 引言 近代海关文献的出版与海关史研究 吴松弟/Wu Songdi 专题研究 19世纪70年代中国与条约国贸易状况分析 Analysis of Trade Between China and the Treaty Powers, 1870-1881 蔡 诚/Cai Cheng 1869年粤海关监督奏销折与粤海关税务司贸易报表中洋税收入数据之考核 Investigation of the Data in the Memorials on the Submission of Expense Accounts to the Throne by the Superintendent of the Canton Maritime Customs House and the Returns on Foreign Trade Recorded by the Commissioner of the Canton Maritime Customs in 1869 侯彦伯/Yenpo Hou 晚清的鸦片税(1858-1906) Opium Taxes in Late Qing China, 1858-1906 林满红/Lin Manhong 日据时期台湾的税关资料及其运用 林玉茹/Lin Yuru 晚清时期上海对外贸易中的香港因素 Hong Kong’s Role in Shanghai’s Foreign Trade during the Late Qing Period 毛立坤/Mao Likun 梅乐和与江门开埠设关情形论略 F. W. Maze’s Role in the Opening of Kongmoon to Foreign Trade 杨换宇/Yang Huanyu 中国近代海关的航海知识生产及其谱系研究 The Study on Chinese Maritime Customs Service Navigation Knowledge Production and Its Spectrum 姚永超/Yao Yongchao 20世纪初期天津对外贸易变化简析——从海关史的角度 A Summary Analysis of the Development of Foreign Trade in Early Twentieth-Century Tianjin through Customs Data 张利民/Zhang Limin 税务专门学校与华籍关员(1908-1949)——中国新行政官僚体系的设立 The Making of New Chinese Bureaucrats: The Customs College and the Chinese Customs Staff, 1908-1949 张志云/Zhang Zhiyun 述评 海关洋员回顾录和第二代海关史研究 Second-Generation Studies of the Chinese Maritime Customs: The Memoirs of Western Employees of the Service 滨下武志/Takeshi Hamashita 外籍海关税务司在中国——以《中国海关税务司和翻译先驱邓罗的一生 (1857~1938)为中心的研究 The Foreign Customs Commissioner in China: Research and Publications in English cum Review of Isidore Cyril Cannon, Public Success, Private Sorrow: The Life and Times of Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor (1857-1938), China Customs Commissioner and Pioneer Translator (published by Hong Kong University Press, 2009) 李培德/Lee Pui Tak