目录 Preface to the second edition Preface Contents Conventions I. REVIEW OF FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS OF ANALYSIS 1.Graded algebras 2.Berezinian 3.Tensor product of algebras 4.Clifford algebras 5.Clifford algebra as a coset of the tensor algebra 6.Fierz identity 7.Pin and Spin groups 8.Weyl spinors, helicity operator; Majorana pinors, charge conjugation 9.Representations of Spin(n, m), n+m odd 10.Dirac adjoint 11.Lie algebra of Pin(n, m) and Spin(n, m) 12.Compact spaces 13.Compactness in weak star topology 14.Homotopy groups, general properties 15.Homotopy of topological groups 16.Spectrum of closed and self-adjoint linear operators II. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS ON BANACH SPACES 1.Supersmooth mappings 2.Berezin integration; Gaussian integrals 3.Noethers theorems I 4.Noethers theorems II 5.Invarianceof the equations of motion 6.String action 7.Stress-energy tensor; energy with respect to a timelike vector field III. DIFFERENTIABLE MANIFOLDS 1.Sheaves 2.Differentiable submanifolds 3.Subgroups of Lie groups. When are they Lie subgroups? 4.Cartan-Killing form on the Lie algebra g of a Lie group G 5.Direct and semidirect products of Lie groups and their Lie algebra 6.Homomorphisms and antihomomorphisms of a Lie algebra into spaces of vector fields 7.Homogeneous spaces; symmetric spaces 8.Examples of homogeneous spaces, Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds 9.Abelian representations of nonabelian groups 10.Irreducibility and reducibility 11.Characters 12.Solvable Lie groups 13.Lie algebras of linear groups 14.Graded bundles IV. INTEGRATION ON MANIFOLDS 1.Cohomology. Definitions and exercises 2.Obstruction to the construction of Spin and Pin bundles; Stiefel-Whitney classes 3.Inequivalent spin structures 4.Cohomology of groups 5.Lifting a group action 6.Short exact sequence; Weyl Heisenberg group ……