目录 Lesson 1 我三年级 Im in the third grade Lesson 2 你喜欢什么运动? Whats your favorite sport? Lesson 3 我在画画儿呢 Im drawing a picture Lesson 4 喂,您好! Hello! Lesson S 再吃几个 Have some more Lesson 6我能自己穿 I Can put it on by myself Lesson 7 生日快乐! Happy birthday! Lesson 8 下雪了 Its snowing Lesson 9 笑一笑! Smile! Lesson 10 谁跑得快? Who runs fast? Lesson 11 妈妈把糖给弟弟了 Mom has given the candy to your brother 剪贴页Cut and paste 参考答案Answers