目录 Introduction Chapter 1 The purpose of lectures different types oflistening what a lecture is what is expected from students the rhythm of English formal and informal language Chapter 2 Preparing for lectures using course structure to prepare for lectures reading before a lecture understanding key vocabulary pausing and chunking in speaking signposting Authentic lecture 1: Bill Gates and philanthrocapitalism Chapter 3 The structure of lectures understanding the structure oflectures differing lecture structures time expressions introductions and conclusions Chapter 4 Features of speech noticing lecturers accents and styles natural spoken language connected speech dealing with unknown words recording vocabulary Authentic lecture 2: A brief overview of tsunamis Chapter 5 Understanding points content of lecture notes lecturers voice understanding fact and opinion reference words Chapter 6 Thinking critically analysing the lecturers perspective evaluating arguments and views in a lecture applying critical thinking connected speech and theschwa rthetoricalquestions Authentic Iecture 3: The pursuit of innovation Chapter 7 Strategies for note taking different note—taking systems taking notes quickly relative clauses rising and fallingintonation Chapter 8 Understanding your notes the importance of notes for assessments rewriting notes organizing paper and electronic notes keeping notes accurate using context to help with understanding Authentic lecture 4: The history of universities in Western Europe Chapter 90ther types of academic listening listening in tutorials listening in seminars different university systems pronunciationrevision polite language Chapter 10 Moving forward knowing your strengths and weaknesses making an improvement plan speakermistakes .pronunciation review Authentic lecture 5: Learner autonomy Learner resources Glossary Audio scripts Answer key