目录 Literature I.A Seventh-story Heaven .By Richard Le Gallienne Tage 11 II.The House Desolate .Rosamund Marriott Watson 23 III.The Oueens Pleasure .Henry Harland 29 IV.A Few Notes upon Mr.James. Lean Milman 71 V.The Truce of the Bishop. Harold Frederic 84 VI.The Pompeian Coelia .Leila Macdonald 117 VII.Books: a Letter to the Editor.“The Yellow Dwarf”125 VIII.Passion .Richard Garnett ,LL.D.C.B 149 IX.A Correspondence .Netta Syrett 150 X.Under Grey Skies .S.Cornish Watkins 179 XI.Two Hours : Two Women .Susan Christian 181 XII.A Sonnet .A.C.Benson 191 XIII.The Imquity of Oblivion .Kenneth Grahame 192 XIV.The Poets Picture .Olive Custance 203 ……