目录 Preface to the series Acknowledgements Introduction 1.Pragmatics and philosophy 2.Conceptions of meaning 3.Speech as action 4.Mind and self 5.Doing pragmatics, doing philosophy Analytical philosophy-Ordinary language philosophy 1.Philosophy as analysis 1.1The linguistic turn 1.2The influence of Frege 1.3Analysis in G.E.Moore and B. Russell 2.Analysis and the ideal of scientific language 2.1Wittgensteins Tractatus 2.2Rudolf Carnap and the encyclopedia of unified science 3.Analysis and ordinary language 3.1The evolution of Wittgensteins thought 3.2Wittgensteins influence and ordinary language philosophy 3.3Some Oxford philosophers 3.3.1J.L.Austin 3.3.2P.F.Strawson 3.3.3H.P.Grice 4.Further developments of analytical philosophy 4.1W.V.O.Quine: From analysis to naturalization 4.2From intensional semantics to discourse representation theory 4.3Meaning and understanding 4.4Philosophy of mind 5.Analytical philosophy and pragmatics John L.Austin 1.J.L.Austin and his approach to philosophy 1.1Austins philosophical method 1.2Linguistic phenomenology 1.3General tendencies 2.Epistemology 2.1Knowledge and belief 2.2Perception 3.Philosophy of language 3.1Meaning 3.2Performative utterances 3.3Assertion and truth 3.4The speech act 4.Philosophy of action 4.1Action 4.2Freedom and responsibility 5.Austin and pragmatics Mikhail Bakhtin 1.Biographical sketch 2.The Bakhtin industry 3.Bakhtins view of language 3.1Dialogue 3.2Heteroglossia 3.3Polyphony 3.4Metalinguistics 3.5Speech genres 3.6Chronotope 3.7Carnival 4.Conclusion Contextualism 1.Two perspectives 2.Semantic minimalism …… Deconstruction Epistemology Epistemology of testimony Michel Foucault H.P.Grice Hermeneutics Indexicals and Demonstratives Intensional logic Modal logic Model-theoretic semantics Charles Morris Notation in formal semantics Phenomenology Philosophy of action Philosophy of language Philosophy of mind Possible worlds semantics Reference and Deions Truth-conditional semantics Uviversal and transcendental pragmatics Ludwig Wittgenstein Index
内容摘要 《语用学研究前沿丛书:语用学的哲学观点》作为第二本紧随《语用学的核心概念》。该书人物词条有莫里斯(charlesmorris)、维特根斯坦(ludwigwittgenstein)、奥斯汀(j.l.austin)、格莱斯(h.p.grice);哲学理论和流派有分析哲学一日常语言哲学(analytic philosophy—ordinary language philosophy)、语境论(contextualism)、认识论(epistemology)、内涵逻辑(intensional logic)、模型理论语义学(model—theoretic semantics)、语言哲学(philosophy of language)、心灵哲学(philosophy of mind)等。值得注意的是,通常情况下,内涵逻辑和模型理论语义学都被列入语义学,而不是语用学的范畴。除此之外,有些词条带有明显的欧洲大陆传统色彩,如巴赫金(mikhail bakhtin)、解构主义(deconstruction)、福柯(michel foucault)、普遍语用学和超验语用学(universal and transcendental pragmatics)等。