Human Genetics and Genomics, Third Edition, is the new rendition of the classic textbook Human Genetics: A Problem-Based Approach. Thoroughly updated and restructured, this brand new edition uses both a classic didactic approach to teach basic genetic concepts and a problem-based approach to demonstrate the clinical applications of genetics in medical practice. By combining both these approaches, Human Genetics and Genomics is suitable both as a textbook for genetics courses, and as a bridge into the clinical environment. The third edition features greater emphasis on cutting edge technologies and the latest genetic issues, and a vast array of new pedagogy, such as: Clinical snapshots covering major genetic disorders Ethical Implications boxes discussing related ethical issues Key summary points at the beginning of each chapter and Q&As at the end of each chapter for self-assessment Hot topics covering new and emerging areas in genetics Recommended reading for each chapter A companion website at
Professor Bruce R. Korf, Department of Genetics, University of Alabama, Birmingham, Alabama, USA