目录 Book 2: Schemes and Varieties 5 Schemes 1 The Spec of a Ring 1.1 Definition of Spec A 1.2 Properties of Points of SpecA 1.3 The Zariski Topology of Spec A 1.4 Irreducibility,Dimension 1.5 Exercises to Section 1 2 Sheaves 2.1 Presheaves 2.2 The Structure Presheaf 2.3 Sheaves 2.4 Stalks of a Sheaf 2.5 Exercises to Section 2 3 Schemes 3.1 Definition of a Scheme 3.2 Glueing Schemes 3.3 Closed Subschemes 3.4 Reduced Schemes and Nilpotents 3.5 Finiteness Conditions 3.6 Exercises to Section 3 4 Products of Schemes 4.1 Definition of Product 4.2 Group Schemes 4.3 Separatedness 4.4 Exercises to Section 4 6 Varieties 1 Definitions and Examples 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Vector Bundles 1.3 Vector Bundles and Sheaves 1.4 Divisors and Line Bundles 1.5 Exercises to Section 1 2 Abstract and Quasiprojective Varieties 2.1 Chow's Lemma 2.2 Blowup Along a Subvariety 2.3 Example of Non-quasiprojective Variety 2.4 Criterions for Projectivity 2.5 Exercises to Section 2 3 Coherent Sheaves 3.1 Sheaves of Ox-Modules 3.2 Coherent Sheaves 3.3 Devissage of Coherent Sheaves 3.4 The Finiteness Theorem 3.5 Exercises to Section 3 4 Classification of Geometric Objects and Universal Schemes 4.1 Schemes and Functors 4.2 The Hilbert Polynomial 4.3 Flat Families 4.4 The Hilbert Scheme