目录 PART I ON THE PRICES OF CORN FROM 1840 TO 1847 SECTION 1 Character of the season of 1839-1840. Prices and esttmated produce of wheat SECTION 2 Character of the season of 1840-1841. Prices and estimated produce of wheat SECTION 3 Character of the season of 1841-1842. Prices and estimated produce of wheat ... SECTION 4 Character of the season of 1842-1843. Prices and estimated produce of wheat ... SECTION 5 Character of the season of 1843-1844. Prices and estimated produce of wheat ... SECTION 6 Character of the season of 1844-1845. Prices and esttmated produce of wheat ... SECTION 7 Character of the season of 1845-1846. Prices and estimated produce of wheat ... SECTION 8 Character of the season of 1846-1847. Prices and estimated produce of wheat ... SECTION 9 On the variation of the supplies of wheat from Ireland SECTION 10 On the probable future course of the prices of wheat in the United Kingdom PART II ON THE PRICES OF PRODUCE OTHER THAN CORN SECTION 1 On the concurrent variations of prices, the circulation, and the rate of interest, from the close of 1839 to the autumn of 1844 SECTION 2 On the same phenomena, from the autumn of 1844 to the close of 1847 PART III A GENERAL REVIEW OF THE CURRENCY QUESTION IN ITS VARIOUS PHASES FROM 1797 TO THE CLOSE OF 1809 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I THE PERIOD FROM 1797 TO 1819 SECTION 1 On the progress of the discussion from 1797 to 1809 SECTION 2 On the steadiness of the exchanges, and on the variations in the prices of commodities, during the first twelve years of the restriction SECTION 3 On the comparative magnitude of the advances by the bank to the government during the same period-- (1797-1809) SECTION 4 On the progress of the discussion from 1809 to 1811 SECTION 5 On the opinions of the bullion committee on the phenomena of the circulation in 1809-1811 SECTION 6 On the policy of the government in rejecting the recommendation of the bullion committee for a speedy resumption of cash payments SECTION 7 On Lord King's requisition to his tenants to pay in gold SECTION 8 On the possibility of the bank counteracting the fall of the exchanges in 1809-1811 SECTION 9 On the alleged excessive issues by the bank, 1808-1814; and on the distinction between small and large notes SECTION 10 On the re-adjustment of the relative values of gold and paper between 1814 and 1819 SECTION 11 On the uniform coincidence of the periods of improved exchanges and diminished foreign expenditure CHAPTER II THE PERIOD FROM 1819 TO THE CLOSE OF 1847 SECTION 1 On Sir Robert Peel's speeches of May 1844. The rationale of a fixed metallic standard SECTION 2 On Sir Robert Peel's definition of "money" SECTION 3 On the currency principle SECTION 4 On the error of confounding paper credit with paper money SECTION 5 On the circumstances which determine the outstanding amount, and the effect on prices, of a currency of convertible and of inconvertible paper SECTION 6 On the effects of different modes of issue of a convertible and of an inconvertible paper. Mr. Ricardo's hypothesis of a gold mine in the bank SECTION 7 On the effects of an influx of gold, caused by a favourable exchange, us distinguished from an influx caused by increased productiveness of the mines SECTION 8 Digression coneerning Russian paper money SECTION 9 On a metallic circulation, as the type of a perfect currency SECTION 10 On the distinction between currency and capital; and on the actual and imputed function of country bank notes SECTION 11 On the alleged insufficiency of convertibility to prevent excessive issues of bank notes, as asserted to be proved by the history of the American banks SECTION 12 Summary of the argument against the theory of the measure of 1844 SECTION 13 On the former monetary crises, asserted by Sir Robert Peel to prove the danger of over-issue of convertible notes