Chapter 2 Literature review and research questions 2.1 Obstacles for Chinese students in Korea 2.1.1 Language obstacle 2.1.2 Academic challenges 2.1.3 Isolation 2.1.4 Racial discrimination and prejudice/hatred 2.1.5 Homesickness/loneliness and financial challenges 2.1.6 Security issues 2.1.7 Cultural differences and educational system differences 2.2 Social Networking Services 2.2.1 General understandings Of Social Networking Services 2.2.2 Technological background of Social Networking Services 2.2.3 Theorizing SNS uses: Computer Mediated Communication theory 2.3 Socialization 2.3.1 General understandings of socialization 2.3.2 Agents of socialization 2.3.3 Taxonomy of socialization and literature review on organization socialization studies 2.3.4 Theorizing socialization stage 2.3.5 Theorizing socialization outcome 2.3.6 Acculturation 2.4 The effect of SNS uses on socialization and acculturation 2.5 Supposed mediated factors 2.5.1 Social support 2.5.2 Acculturative stress
Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Qualitative approach——in-depth interviews 3.1.1 Sampling 3.1.2 The theoretical background 3.1.3 Interview protocols 3.1.4 Interview procedure and data collection 3.2 Quantitative approach——survey 3.2.1 Research questions and research model 3.2.2 Sampling and data collection 3.2.3 Measurements
Chapter 4 Results 4.1 Qualitative in-depth interviewing results 4.1.1 Socialization experiences at different stages 4.1.2 Social support 4.1.3 SNSuses 4.1.4 The effect of SNS uses 4.1.5 Discussions and implications for the second quantitative stage 4.2 Quantitative survey results 4.2.1 Demographic features of respondents 4.2.2 Reliability tests 4.2.3 Results according to quantitative research questions
Chapter 5 Conclusions 5.1 Discussions 5.2 Limits and implications
Reference Appendix Appendix A Complete questionnaire (English version) Appendix B 完整问卷(中文翻译版)