内容提要 本书系统论述了离散时间信号处理的基本理论和方法,是国际信号处理领域中的经典教材。内容包括离散时间信号与系统,z变换,连续时间信号采样,线性时不变系统的变换分析,离散时间系统结构,滤波器设计方法,离散傅里叶变换,离散傅里叶变换的计算,利用离散傅里叶变换的信号傅里叶分析,参数信号建模,离散希尔伯特变换,倒频分析和同态反卷积。本书例题和习题丰富,具有实用价值。 目录 1 Introduction 2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 3 The z-Transform 4 Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals 5 Transform Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems 6 Structures for Discrete-Time Systems 7 Filter Design Techniques.4938 The Discrete Fourier Transform 9 Computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform 10 Fourier Analysis of Signals Using the Discrete Fourier Transform 11 Parametric Signal Modeling 12 Discrete Hilbert Transforms 13 Cepstrum Analysis and Homomorphic DeconvolutionProblems.Appendix A Random Signals Appendix B Continuous-Time Filters Appendix C Answers to Selected Basic Problems Bibliography Index 作者介绍 Another important implication of the FFT was that it was an inherently discrete-time concept. It was directed toward the computation of the Fourier transform of adiscrete-time signal or sequence and involved a set of properties and mathematicsthat was exact in the discrete-time domain it was not simply an appromation toa continuous-time Fourier transform. This had the effect of stimulating a reformulationof many signal processing concepts and algorithms in terms of discrete-time mathemat-ics, and these techniques then formed an exact set of relationships in the discrete-timedomain. Following this shift away from the notion that signal processing on a digitalcomputer was merely an appromation to analog signal processing techniques, thereemerged the current view that discrete-time signal processing is an important field ofinvestigation in its own right. Another major development in the history of discrete-time signal processing oc-curred in the field of microelectronics. The invention and subsequent proliferation ofthe microprocessor paved the way for low-cost implementations of discrete-time signalprocessing systems. Although the first microprocessors were too slow to implement mostdiscrete-time systems in real time except at very low sampling rates, by the mid-1980s,integrated circuit technology had advanced to a level that permitted the implementationof very fast fixed-point and floating-point microcomputers with architectures speciallydesigned for implementing discrete-time signal processing algorithms. With this tech-nology came, for the first time, the possibility of widespread application of discrete-timesignal processing techniques. The rapid pace of development in microelectronics alsosignificantly impacted the development of signal processing algorithms in other ways.For example, in the early days of real-time digital signal processing devices, memorywas relatively costly and one of the important metrics in developing signal processingalgorithms was the efficient use of memory. Digital memory is now so inexpensive thatmany algorithms purposely incorporate more memory than is absolutely required sothat the power requirements of the processor are reduced. Another area in which tech-nology limitations posed a significant barrier to widespread deployment of DSP was inconversion of signals from analog to discrete-time (digital) form. The first widely avail-able A/D and D/A converters were stand-a one devices costing thousands of dollars.By combining digital signal processing theory with microelectronic technology, over-sampled A/D and D/A converters costing a few dollars or less have enabled a myriadof real-time applications. …… 序言