目录 1 Introduction1.1 Experiments1.1.1 Examples1.1.2 Experimental Characteristics1.1.3 Type of Experiments1.2 Basic Terminologies Used1.3 Statistical Models1.3.1 Factorial Designs and ANOVA Models1.3.2 Fractional Factorial Designs1.3.3 Linear Regression Models1.3.4 Nonparametric Regression Models1.3.5 Robustness of Regression Models1.4 Word-Length Pattern: Resolution and Minimum Aberration1.4.1 Ordering1.4.2 Defining Relation1.4.3 Word-Length Pattern and Resolution1.4.4 Minimum Aberration Criterion and Its Extension1.5 Implementation of Uniform Designs for Multifactor Experiments1.6 Applications of the Uniform DesignExercisesReferences2 Uniformity Criteria2.1 Overall Mean Model2.2 Star Discrepancy2.2.1 Definition2.2.2 Properties2.3 Generalized L2-Discrepancy2.3.1 Definition2.3.2 Centered Discrepancy2.3.3 Wrap-around L2-Discrepancy2.3.4 Some Discussion on CD and WD2.3.5 Mixture Discrepancy2.4 Reproducing Kernel for Discrepancies2.5 Discrepancies for Finite Numbers of Levels2.5.1 Discrete Discrepancy2.5.2 Lee Discrepancy2.6 Lower Bounds of Discrepancies2.6.1 Lower Bounds of the Centered Lz-Discrepancy2.6.2 Lower Bounds of the Wrap-around Lz-Discrepancy2.6.3 Lower Bounds of Mixture Discrepancy2.6.4 Lower Bounds of Discrete Discrepancy2.6.5 Lower Bounds of Lee DiscrepancyExercisesReferences3 Construction of Uniform Designs——Deterministic Methods3.1 Uniform Design Tables3.1.1 Background of Uniform Design Tables3.1.2 One-Factor Uniform Designs3.2 Uniform Designs with Multiple Factors3.2.1 Complexity of the Construction3.2.2 Remarks3.3 Good Lattice Point Method and Its Modifications3.3.1 Good Lattice Point Method3.3.2 The Leave-One-Out glpm3.3.3 Good Lattice Point with Power Generator3.4 The Cutting Method3.5 Linear Level Permutation Method3.6 Combinatorial Construction Methods3.6.1 Connection Between Uniform Designs and Uniformly Resolvable Designs3.6.2 Construction Approaches via Combinatorics3.6.3 Construction Approach via Saturated Orthogonal Arrays3.6.4 Further ResultsExercisesReferences……4 Construction of Uniform Designs——Algorithmic Optimization Methods5 Modeling Techniques6 Connections Between Uniformity and Other Design Criteria7 Applications of Uniformity in Other Design Types8 Uniform Design for Experiments with MixturesSubject Index 作者介绍
序言 1 Introduction1.1 Experiments1.1.1 Examples1.1.2 Experimental Characteristics1.1.3 Type of Experiments1.2 Basic Terminologies Used1.3 Statistical Models1.3.1 Factorial Designs and ANOVA Models1.3.2 Fractional Factorial Designs1.3.3 Linear Regression Models1.3.4 Nonparametric Regression Models1.3.5 Robustness of Regression Models1.4 Word-Length Pattern: Resolution and Minimum Aberration1.4.1 Ordering1.4.2 Defining Relation1.4.3 Word-Length Pattern and Resolution1.4.4 Minimum Aberration Criterion and Its Extension1.5 Implementation of Uniform Designs for Multifactor Experiments1.6 Applications of the Uniform DesignExercisesReferences2 Uniformity Criteria2.1 Overall Mean Model2.2 Star Discrepancy2.2.1 Definition2.2.2 Properties2.3 Generalized L2-Discrepancy2.3.1 Definition2.3.2 Centered Discrepancy2.3.3 Wrap-around L2-Discrepancy2.3.4 Some Discussion on CD and WD2.3.5 Mixture Discrepancy2.4 Reproducing Kernel for Discrepancies2.5 Discrepancies for Finite Numbers of Levels2.5.1 Discrete Discrepancy2.5.2 Lee Discrepancy2.6 Lower Bounds of Discrepancies2.6.1 Lower Bounds of the Centered Lz-Discrepancy2.6.2 Lower Bounds of the Wrap-around Lz-Discrepancy2.6.3 Lower Bounds of Mixture Discrepancy2.6.4 Lower Bounds of Discrete Discrepancy2.6.5 Lower Bounds of Lee DiscrepancyExercisesReferences3 Construction of Uniform Designs——Deterministic Methods3.1 Uniform Design Tables3.1.1 Background of Uniform Design Tables3.1.2 One-Factor Uniform Designs3.2 Uniform Designs with Multiple Factors3.2.1 Complexity of the Construction3.2.2 Remarks3.3 Good Lattice Point Method and Its Modifications3.3.1 Good Lattice Point Method3.3.2 The Leave-One-Out glpm3.3.3 Good Lattice Point with Power Generator3.4 The Cutting Method3.5 Linear Level Permutation Method3.6 Combinatorial Construction Methods3.6.1 Connection Between Uniform Designs and Uniformly Resolvable Designs3.6.2 Construction Approaches via Combinatorics3.6.3 Construction Approach via Saturated Orthogonal Arrays3.6.4 Further ResultsExercisesReferences……4 Construction of Uniform Designs——Algorithmic Optimization Methods5 Modeling Techniques6 Connections Between Uniformity and Other Design Criteria7 Applications of Uniformity in Other Design Types8 Uniform Design for Experiments with MixturesSubject Index