内容提要 The main part of thiook is devoted to the simplest kind of Green's functions, namely the solutions of linear differential equations with a delta function source. It is shown that these familiar Green's functions are a powerful tool for obtaining relatively simple and general solutions of basic quantum problems such as scattering and bound-level information. The bound-level treatment gives a clear physical understanding of "difficult" questions such as superconductivity, the Kondo effect, and, to a lesser degree, disorder-induced localization. The more advanced subject of many-body Green's functions is presented in the last part of the book. 目录 Part Ⅰ Green's Functions in Mathematical Physics 1 Time-Independent Green's Functions 1.1 Formalism 1.2 Examples 1.2.1 Three-Dimensional Case (d = 3) 1.2.2 Two-Dimensional Case (d = 2) 1.2.3 One-Dimensional Case (d = 1) 1.2.4 Finite Domain (2 1.3 Summary 1.3.1 Definition 1.3.2 Basic Properties 1.3.3 Methods of Calculation 1.3.4 Use Further Reading Problems 2 Time-Dependent Green's Functions 2.1 First-Order Case 2.1.1 Examples 2.2 Second-Order Case 2.2.1 Examples 2.3 Summary 2.3.1 Definition 2.3.2 Basic Properties 2.3.3 Definition 2.3.4 Basic Properties 2.3.5 Use Further Reading ProblemsPart Ⅱ Green's Functions in One-Body Quantum Problems 3 Physical Significance of G.Application to the Free-Particle Case 3.1 General Relations 3.2 The Free-Particle (Ho = p2/2m) Case 3.2.1 3-d Case 3.2.2 2-d Case 3.2.3 1-d Case 3.3 The Free-Particle Klein Gordon Case 3.4 Summary Further Reading Problems 4 Green's Functions and Perturbation Theory 4.1 Formalism 4.1.1 Time-Independent Case 4.1.2 Time-Dependent Case 4.2 Applications 4.2.1 Scattering Theory (E > 0) 4.2.2 Bound State in Shallow Potential Wells (E 4.2.3 The KKR Method for Electronic Calculations in Solids. 4.3 Summary Further Reading Problems 5 Green's Functions for Tight-Binding Hamiltonians 5.1 Introductory Remarks 5.2 The Tight-Binding Hamiltonian (TBH) 5.3 Green's Functions 5.3.1 One-Dimensional Lattice 5.3.2 Square Lattice 5.3.3 Simple Cubic Lattice 5.3.4 Green's Functions for Bethe Lattices (Cayley Trees) 5.4 Summary Further Reading Problems 6 Single Impurity Scattering 6.1 Formalism 6.2 Explicit Results for a Single Band 6.2.1 Three-Dimensional Case 6.2.2 Two-Dimensional Case 6.2.3 One-Dimensional Case ……Part Ⅲ Green's Functions in Many-Body Systems 作者介绍