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作者钱程 著
1. Vollmann's Life and Works
2. Critical Respoes to Vollmann
3. The Theoretical Framework and Structure of the Book
Chapter One Writing on the Edge:Tragression in Vollmann's
Postmodernist Artistic Worid
1.1 Vollmarm and His Tragressive Fiction
1.1.1 An Overview of Tragressive Fiction
1.1.2 The Characteristics of VoUmann's Tragressive Fiction
1.2 Tragressing Literary Genres: The Postrnodernist Blendings in
the Works of Vollmann
1.2.1 The Blending of Journalism with Fiction in The Rainbow
1.2.2 The Blending of Travelogue with Fiction in The Atlas
1.2.3 The Blending of Myth with Fiction in Seven Dreams Series
Chapter Two Beyond Marginality: Tragression over SocialLimits in
The Rainbow Stories
2.1 Towards a Poetics of Marginality
2.1.1 An Overview of the Notion of Marginality
2.1.2 Vollmann's Perception and Practice of Marginality
2.2 Searching for Limits: Tragression among "the Marginalized
Selves" in The Rainbow Stories/89
2.2.1 Tragressive Freedom: The Skinheads in "The White Knights"
2.2.2 Tragressive Fantasy: The Fetishist in "The Green Dress"
2.2.3 Tragressive Hatred: The Psychotic Killer in "The Blue Yonder"
Chapter Three Beyond Erotic Desire: Tragressinn into Disgrace in
Vollmann's Prostitute Trilng
3.1 Towards a Theory of Eroticism
3.1.1 Defining Eroticism
3.1.2 Georges Bataille's Theory of Eroticism
3.2 Searching for Love and Salvation : Tragression among "the
Degraded Selves" in Vollmann's Prostitute Trilogy
3.2. l Between Illusion and Reality: Searching for the Lost Love in
Whores for Gloria
3.2.2 Between Passion and Pain: Searching for the True Love in
Butterfly Stories
3.2.3 Between Beauty and Ugliness : Seeking Salvation Through Love
in The Royal Family
Chapter Four Beyond Integrity: Tragression over Moral Principles
in Europe Central
4.1 Towards an Ethics of Integrity
4.1.1 Defining Integrity
4.1.2 Contemporary Theories of Integrity
4.1.3 Zygmunt Bauman's Postmodern Pepective on Ethics
4.2 Striving for Integrity : Moral Tragression among "the Fragile
Selves" in Europe Central
4.2.l The "Betrayal" of Integrity: Moral Respoibilities of the
Generals in "Breakout" and "The Last Field-Mahall"
4.2.2 The Quest for Integrity: Moral Dilemmas of a German Soldier
in "Clean Hands"
4.2.3 Survival with Integrity : Moral Compromises of a Russian
Composer in "Opus 110"
Chronology of William Vollmann
Works Cited
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