目录 1 The WTO and the Idea of Cooperative Trade Policy 1-1 The Foundation of the CATT 1-2 The Progress Achieved Under the GATT 1-3 From the GATF to the WTO 1-4 The WTO and Its Achievements 1-5 Economic Theories and Trade Policies 1-6 The Prisoners Dilemma in Trade Policies 1-7 The WTO and Cooperative Trade Policy 1-8 Case Studies 2 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 2-1 Driving Force Towards a Multilateral Agreement 2-2 The Structure of the GATY 1994 2-3 Important Issues During the GATT (1948-1994) 2-4 Case Studies 3 Operating Mechanism of WTO 3-1 The WTO Decision-Making Mechanism 3-2 WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism 3-3 WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism 3-4 Case Studies 4 The GATS 4-1 The Driving Forces Towards a Service Agreement 4-2 Differences Between Services and Goods Sectors 4-3 Objectives, Structure and Scope of the GATS 4-4 General Obligations and Disciplines (Part II) 4-5 Specific Commitments (Part III and Part IV) 4-6 Institutional Arrangement (Part V) 4-7 Final Provisions (Part VI) 4-8 Annexes on Financial Services 4-9 Annexes on Air Transport Services and Telecommunications 4-10 The Other Annexes 4-11 Evaluating the CATS 4-12 Case Studies 5 Multilateral Trading System and Climate Change 5-1 Impact of Trade Openness on Climate Change 5-2 WTO Progress in Addressing Challenges of Climate Change 5-3 Multilateral Trade System and Carbon Tariff 5-4 Carbon Labeling 5-5 Carbon Trading 5-6 Case Studies 6 Regional Integration and E-commerce 6-l WTO Multilateral Trade System and Regional Economic Integration 6-2 WTO Multilateral Trade System and Electronic Commerce 6-3 WTO and International Labor Standards 7 WTO-Dispute Settlement Mechanism 7-1 The Characteristics of Disputes and Settlements 7-2 WTO Dispute Sett]ement and China 7-3 Case Studies References