目录 Acknowledgements Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction Background Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Significance of the Study Research Questions Delimitations and Limitations Delimitations Limitations Key Terms Chapter 2 Literature Review School Readiness Conceptualizations of school readiness Factors influencing childrens school readiness Parental Perceptions Parental perceptions and school readiness Parental Involvement Conceptualizations of parental involvement Parental involvement and school readiness Parental involvement and school readiness in Chinese families in the U.S. Theoretical Framework Social constructivist theory of child development Epsteins model of parental involvement The NEGP early childhood development dimensions Chapter 3 Methodology Research Method Research Design Research Questions Population Sampling Data Collection Data Analysis Validity Reliability Chapter 4 Results Description of the Participants Findings Theme 1: parents roles Theme 2: major factors effective in childrens school readiness Theme 3: parental involvement in childrens school readiness Theme 4: practices in conquering barriers in childrens school readiness Theme 5 : factors that affect Chinese parents involvement Theme 6: suggestions concerning childrens school readiness Summary Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations Discussion of Core Themes Theme 1: parents roles in childrens school readiness Theme 2: major factors effective in childrens school readiness Theme 3: parental involvement in childrens school readiness Theme 4: practices in conquering barriers in childrens school readiness Theme 5: factors that affect Chinese parentsinvolvement Theme 6: suggestions concerning childrens school readiness Conclusions Implications Implications for preschool programming and kindergarten programming Implications for incoming Chinese parents Implications for community sources Recommendations for future research References Appendices Appendix A: Cover Letter to Parents Appendix B: Consent Form Appendix C: Interview Questions and Prompts Appendix D: Healing Childrens Trauma after Hurricane Katrina Appendix E: Dissertation Critique Appendix F: Lesson Plan Appendix G: Enhancing Pre-K in Mississippi Appendix H: Dissertation Evaluation