1800年英国伦敦《英国英雄传》British Heroism,初版,英文,64页,硬面精装,内收整页铜版画1幅,伦敦知名书商约翰·沃利斯(John Wallis)编辑发行,系其知识书柜系列「Book-Case of Knowledge」丛书,于1800年首次发行,并在泰晤士报刊登广告,全十卷/附精美木书盒,旨在为青少年服务,全卷本稀见,佳士得等拍行成交价高达近2000美金(见参阅)
3.BRITISH HEROISM. 1800. Pp. 64 pages plus engraved frontispiece.
序号:66-60 重量:0.01KG 尺寸:9.3 × 5.5 cm 尺寸:9.8 × 5.7 cm 书名:The book-case of knowledge 作者:John Wallis 插图: 出版商:英国伦敦 Printed for John Wallis 出版
提要:John Wallis (died 1818) was an English board game publisher, bookseller, map/chart seller, print seller, music seller, and cartographer. With his sons John Wallis Jr. and Edward Wallis, he was one of the most prolific publishers of board games of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
参阅:Google Art,剑桥大学图书馆,https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/the-book-case-of-knowledge-john-wallis/IAFtXUDTjmBchw?hl=en - Texts have long been produced for the instruction or entertainment of children, but the development of children’s literature as a separate and recognisable publishing activity occurred in the mid-eighteenth century. The book-case of knowledge (London: printed for J. Wallis, 1800) was distinctive in being accompanied by its own custom-made wooden bookcase – a clever marketing ploy to ensure that customers bought the whole set. The ten volumes, with hand-coloured illustrations, cover various suitable subjects including British heroism, simple arithmetic, and geography and astronomy ‘familiarized for youth of both sexes’. -