1908年英国伦敦泰晤士报出版,《历史学家的世界史》The Historians' History of the World,第二卷(全二十五卷),英文,牛皮纸精装,美国医学博士/历史学家 Henry Smith Williams 编纂,英国神学家 Thomas Kelly Cheyne 等主编(卷前收其肖像),本卷收录以色列、古印度、古波斯、腓尼基及西亚小国(赫梯等)的历史,内收大量插图
序号:DD112 重量:1.75KG 尺寸:26.6 × 18 cm 书名:The Historians' history of the world : a comprehensive narrative of the rise and development of nations as recorded by the great writers of all ages. 作者:Henry Smith Williams 插图: 出版商:英国伦敦 The Times 出版
The Historians' History of the World, subtitled A Comprehensive Narrative of the Rise and Development as Recorded by over two thousand of the Great Writers of all Ages', is a 25-volume encyclopedia of world history, published in 1902. It was compiled by Henry Smith Williams, a medical doctor and author of many books on medicine, science, and history, as well as other authorities on history including historian Walter Lynwood Fleming, and Rupert Hughes as editor.