1929-1932年英国伦敦《萧伯纳戏剧集》The Plays of Bernard Shaw,十三卷全,英文,全皮软精装,英国剧作家萧伯纳戏剧集(Bernard Shaw)著,擅长以黑色幽默的形式来揭露社会问题,荣获1925年度的诺贝尔文学奖,常见版为12卷本、本卷收录《苹果车》The Apple Cart 系1932年出版,《圣女贞德》Saint Joan 卷前收作者肖像版画
萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw,1856-1950),全名直译乔治·伯纳·萧,英国/爱尔兰剧作家和伦敦政治经济学院的联合创始人。早年靠写作音乐和文学评论谋生,后来因为写作戏剧而出名。萧伯纳一生写过超过60部戏剧,擅长以黑色幽默的形式来揭露社会问题。1926年因为“作品具有理想主义和人道主义”而获1925年度的诺贝尔文学奖。
序号:GG01 重量:3.2KG 尺寸:17.7 × 11.5 cm 书名:The Plays of Bernard Shaw. 作者:George Bernard Shaw 插图: 出版商:英国伦敦 Constable & Co. Ltd 出版
提要:萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw,1856-1950),全名直译乔治·伯纳·萧,英国/爱尔兰剧作家和伦敦政治经济学院的联合创始人。早年靠写作音乐和文学评论谋生,后来因为写作戏剧而出名。萧伯纳一生写过超过60部戏剧,擅长以黑色幽默的形式来揭露社会问题。1926年因为“作品具有理想主义和人道主义”而获1925年度的诺贝尔文学奖,Alan Lerner曾改编其喜剧作品《卖花女》(Pygmalion)成音乐剧《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady),该音乐剧又改编为好莱坞同名卖座电影而家喻户晓。
The Doctor's Dilemma (with Getting Married);《医生的两难选择》(The Doctor's Dilemma) Misalliance (with The Dark Lady of the Sonnets and Fanny's First Play); Androcles and the Lion (with Overruled and Pygmalion); Heartbreak House (with Great Catherine and Playlets of the War);《伤心之家》(Heartbreak House) Saint Joan (with The Shewing-up of Bianco Posnet); 《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan),历史剧 Back to Methuselah; Translations and Tomfooleries; John Bull's Other Island (with How He Lied to Her Huusband and Major Barbara); Plays Unpleasant (Widowers' Houses, The Philanderer, Mrs Warren's Profession) ; Plays Pleasant (Arms and the Man, Candida, The Man of Destiny, You Never Can Tell); Man and Superman (with The Revolutionist's Handbook and Maxims for Revolutionists); Three Plays for Puritans (The Devil's Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra, Captain Brassbound's Conversion).
This particular collection displays all the diversity of his talent, including his most popular titles such as Androcles and the Lion (with Overruled and Pygmalion), The Doctor's Dilemma (with Getting Married) and Plays Pleasant (Arms and the Man).