1860年《英美杰出女诗人画廊》A Gallery of Distinguished English & American Female Poets,英文原版,棕色真皮精装,雕花烫金,美国教育家亨利·科佩(Henry Coppée)著作,收录英美知名女诗人五十余人,诗作160首,内收钢版画插图100余幅
重量:2.1KG 尺寸:28.8 × 18.9 cm 书名:A Gallery of Distinguished English & American Female Poets 作者:Henry Coppée 插图: 出版商:美国费城 E. H. Butler 出版 装帧/品相:棕色真皮精装,封面封底雕花烫金,三面刷金,五层竹节背书脊。环衬,衬页有烫金连枝花纹装饰。扉页有前藏家签名,系宾夕法尼亚大学英国文学教授Henry Coppée介绍一篇。内有大量钢板插图,计有95幅左右。此书为英美女诗人诗选,书中收录英美知名女诗人五十余人,诗作160首。
提要:本书收录了伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)、艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)、克里斯蒂娜(Christina Rossetti)等英美著名女诗人的诗集。A Gallery Of Distinguished English And American Female Poets is a book compiled by Henry Coppee and published in 1880. The book is a collection of poems written by notable female poets from England and America, including Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson, and Christina Rossetti. The poems cover a range of themes including love, nature, and social issues. The book is divided into sections based on the poets' countries of origin and includes biographical information about each poet. The book is a tribute to the talent and contribution of female poets to the literary world and serves as a valuable resource for those interested in poetry and women's literature.