本书以卡通画一字一图的形式,生动形象地描述了汉语中*常用的汉字偏旁部首的起源、发展、演变至今的过程。书中不仅讲述了汉字产生的历史背景,还对汉字的字体和笔画顺序做了必要的说明。本书对汉语初学者和对汉语感兴趣的人士来说是一本极具价值的参考书。书后附录中所列的汉语月、日和数字的表达方法,对每个汉语初学者更有帮助作用。 This fascinating book uses cartoons by Tan HuayPeng to illustrate the origin and development of Chinese characters to theirpresent form. The historical background of the script is given, as well asinformation on the type of stroke, stroke sequence and Hanyu Pinyinpronunciation. Days, months and numbers in Chinese are also provide inAppendix, making this book invaluable to anyone starting to learn Chinese.